Billy Squier
Out Of Control

I wonder what you're doing now
Times I was your ruination
Now you're back

I see you got yourself a man
Who buys you everything your heart demands
You left me with a shot-up feeling
Something that was most revealing
I could see you were concealing
Something that you couldn't quite control

I wonder now, it's been so long
Maybe we could get along somehow
But then babe, would you notice me
Shrouded in your luxury abode
While me I'm out here kicking sand
Scrounging after all I can
How's it feel to see your real man
Struggling just to save his very soul

Don't tell me its out of your control

Take me to your dreams tonight
And maybe if the time is right you'll come
To me
And take me to the nursery
Drag me down for all your friends to see

But tell me, what you plan to do
When all your worthless dreams come true
Who'll be there to stand by you and
Soothe the pain that's eating out your soul

Don't ask me, it's out of my control

Mirror lyrics:

Don't ask me, it's out of my control

Soothe the pain that's eating out your soul
Who'll be there to stand by you and
When all your worthless dreams come true
But tell me, what you plan to do

Drag me down for all your friends to see
And take me to the nursery
To me
And maybe if the time is right you'll come
Take me to your dreams tonight

Don't tell me its out of your control

Struggling just to save his very soul
How's it feel to see your real man
Scrounging after all I can
While me I'm out here kicking sand
Shrouded in your luxury abode
But then babe, would you notice me
Maybe we could get along somehow
I wonder now, it's been so long

Something that you couldn't quite control
I could see you were concealing
Something that was most revealing
You left me with a shot-up feeling
Who buys you everything your heart demands
I see you got yourself a man

Now you're back
Times I was your ruination
I wonder what you're doing now

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf CControl ut f ontrol uOt fO oCntrol kut kf fontrol kOut kOf fControl Okut Okf Cfontrol 9ut 9f xontrol 9Out 9Of xControl
O9ut O9f Cxontrol 0ut 0f vontrol 0Out 0Of vControl O0ut O0f Cvontrol lut lf dontrol lOut lOf dControl Olut Olf Cdontrol iut if Coontrol
iOut iOf Cntrol Oiut Oif Cnotrol Ouut Off Ckntrol Ot O Ckontrol Otu Of Cokntrol Oht Oc C9ntrol Ohut Ocf C9ontrol Ouht Ofc Co9ntrol
O7t Or C0ntrol O7ut Orf C0ontrol Ou7t Ofr Co0ntrol Okt Og Clntrol Ogf Clontrol Oukt Ofg Colntrol Oit Ot Cintrol Otf Ciontrol
Ouit Oft Cointrol O8t Ov Conntrol O8ut Ovf Cotrol Ou8t Ofv Cotnrol Ojt Od Comtrol Ojut Odf Comntrol Oujt Ofd Conmtrol Oyt Cohtrol
Oyut Cohntrol Ouyt Conhtrol Outt Cojtrol Ou Cojntrol Out Conjtrol Ouf Cobtrol Ouft Cobntrol Outf Conbtrol
Ou5 Conttrol Ou5t Conrol Out5 Conrtol Ouh Confrol Conftrol Outh Contfrol Ouy Con5rol Con5trol
Outy Cont5rol Ou6 Conhrol Ou6t

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