Billy Squier
Don't Say You Love Me

You can't get up, you can't get down
You can't sit still, you never settle down

Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'

Your love runs hot, your love runs cold
You can't get loose until you get control

Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'
Don't say you love me, just say 'All right'

You're scared to win, you're scared to lose
You're scared to live with the life you choose

Don't say you love me, just say

You can't say 'Yes', you can't say 'No'
Your mind's made up, you don't know where to go

Don't say you love me, whatcha say
Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'

I can see you comin' 'round again
I can feel you but I can't say when
I will be there in your now and then

Mirror lyrics:

I will be there in your now and then
I can feel you but I can't say when
I can see you comin' 'round again

Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'
Don't say you love me, whatcha say

Your mind's made up, you don't know where to go
You can't say 'Yes', you can't say 'No'

Don't say you love me, just say

You're scared to live with the life you choose
You're scared to win, you're scared to lose

Don't say you love me, just say 'All right'
Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'

You can't get loose until you get control
Your love runs hot, your love runs cold

Don't say you love me, just say 'Huh!'

You can't sit still, you never settle down
You can't get up, you can't get down

Relevant Tags:
DDon't SSay YYou LLove MMe on't ay ou ove e oDn't aSy oYu oLve eM xon't zay gou kove je xDon't zSay gYou kLove jMe Dxon't Szay Ygou Lkove Mje
eon't way hou oove ke eDon't wSay hYou oLove kMe Deon't Sway Yhou Loove Mke fon't day 6ou pove ne fDon't dSay 6You pLove nMe Dfon't Sday Y6ou Lpove Mne
ron't eay uou Mee rDon't eSay uYou Lve M Dron't Seay Yuou Lvoe Me con't xay 7ou Lkve Ms cDon't xSay 7You Mse Dcon't Sxay Y7ou Lokve Mes
son't aay jou L9ve M3 sDon't aSay jYou L9ove M3e Dson't Saay Yjou Lo9ve Me3 Doon't tou L0ve Mf Dn't Sy tYou L0ove Mfe Dno't Sya Ytou Lo0ve Mef
Dkn't Szy Yoou Llve Mr Dkon't Yu Llove Mre Dokn't Sazy Yuo Lolve Mer D9n't Sqy Yku Live M4 D9on't Sqay Ykou Liove M4e Do9n't Saqy Yoku Loive Me4
D0n't Ssy Y9u Lovve Md D0on't Ssay Y9ou Loe Mde Do0n't Sasy Yo9u Loev Med Dln't Swy Y0u Lobe Mw Dlon't Y0ou Lobve Mwe Doln't Sawy Yo0u Lovbe Mew
Din't Sxy Ylu Loce Dion't Ylou Locve Doin't Saxy Yolu Lovce Donn't Sayy Yiu Loge Do't Sa Yiou Logve

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