Billy Walker
Come A Little Bit Closer

(Tommy Boyce - Bobby Hart - Wes Farrell)

In a little cafe just the other side of the border
She was a sitting there giving me looks that made my mind bolder
So I started walking her way she belongs to bad man Jose
And I knew yes I knew I should leave then I heard her say.

Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer
I'm all alone and the night is so long.

So we started to dance
In my arms she felt so inviting
And I just couldn't resist the one
A little kiss so exciting.

Then I heard the guitar player say
Vamoose Jose's on his way
And I knew, yes, I knew I should leave
Then I heard her say.

Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer
I'm all alone and the night is so long.

Then the music stopped
When I looked the cafe was empty
Then I heard Jose say
Man, you know you're in trouble plenty.

So I dropped my drink from my hand
And through the window I ran
And as I rode away
I will never forget how she said.

Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer
I'm all alone and the night is so long...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm all alone and the night is so long...
Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer

I will never forget how she said.
And as I rode away
And through the window I ran
So I dropped my drink from my hand

Man, you know you're in trouble plenty.
Then I heard Jose say
When I looked the cafe was empty
Then the music stopped

I'm all alone and the night is so long.
Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer

Then I heard her say.
And I knew, yes, I knew I should leave
Vamoose Jose's on his way
Then I heard the guitar player say

A little kiss so exciting.
And I just couldn't resist the one
In my arms she felt so inviting
So we started to dance

I'm all alone and the night is so long.
Come a little bit closer
You're my kind of man so big and so strong
Come a little bit closer

And I knew yes I knew I should leave then I heard her say.
So I started walking her way she belongs to bad man Jose
She was a sitting there giving me looks that made my mind bolder
In a little cafe just the other side of the border

(Tommy Boyce - Bobby Hart - Wes Farrell)

Relevant Tags:
CCome AA LLittle BBit CCloser ome ittle it loser oCme A iLttle iBt lCoser fome z kittle vit floser fCome zA kLittle vBit fCloser Cfome Az Lkittle Bvit Cfloser
xome q oittle git xloser xCome qA oLittle gBit xCloser Cxome Aq Loittle Bgit Cxloser vome s pittle nit vloser vCome sA pLittle nBit vCloser Cvome As Lpittle Bnit Cvloser
dome w Liittle hit dloser dCome wA Lttle hBit dCloser Cdome Aw Ltitle Bhit Cdloser Coome x Ljttle Biit Clloser Cme xA Ljittle Bt Coser Cmoe Ax Lijttle Bti Colser
Ckme L9ttle Bjt Ckoser Ckome L9ittle Bjit Ckloser Cokme Li9ttle Bijt Clkoser C9me Llttle B9t Cooser C9ome Llittle B9it Coloser Co9me Lilttle Bi9t Clooser
C0me Lottle Blt Cposer C0ome Blit Cploser Co0me Liottle Bilt Clposer Clme Lkttle Bot Clome Boit Clser Colme Likttle Biot Clsoer
Cime L8ttle Bkt Clkser Ciome L8ittle Bkit Coime Li8ttle Bikt Clokser Comme Luttle B8t Cl9ser Coe Luittle B8it Cl9oser Coem Liuttle Bi8t Clo9ser
Coje Litttle But Cl0ser Cojme Litle Buit Cl0oser Comje Little Biut Clo0ser Coke Liftle Bitt Cllser Lifttle Bi Comke Litftle Bit Clolser
Cone Li5tle Bif Cliser Conme Li5ttle Bift Clioser Comne Lit5tle Bitf Cloiser Comee Lihtle Bi5 Closser Com Lihttle Bi5t Cloer Come Lithtle Bit5 Cloesr
Coms Liytle Bih Clozer Comse Liyttle Biht Clozser Comes Litytle Bith Closzer Com3 Li6tle Biy Clower Com3e Li6ttle Biyt Clowser Come3 Lit6tle Bity Closwer

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