Billy Thorpe
Children Of The Sun

People of the Earth can you hear me?
Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
And in the colors of thousand sunsets
They traveled to the world on a shivering light

The people of the Earth stood waiting
Watching as the ships came one by one
Setting fire to the sky as they landed
Carryied to the world Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun

All at once came a sound from the inside
Then a beam made of light hit the ground
Everone felt the sound of their heartbeat
Every Man - Every Woman - Every Child

They guessed the limits of imagination
To the door - to the world - of another time
And on the journey of a thousand lifetimes
With the Children Of The Sun - They started their climb

Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun

No more gravity, nothing holding them down
Floating endlessly, as their ship leaves the ground
Through the walls of time - at the speed of light
Flies the crystal ships on their celestial flight
(On their celestial flight)

Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun(to faend)

Mirror lyrics:

Children Of The Sun(to faend)
Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun

(On their celestial flight)
Flies the crystal ships on their celestial flight
Through the walls of time - at the speed of light
Floating endlessly, as their ship leaves the ground
No more gravity, nothing holding them down

Children Of The Sun
Children Of The Sun

With the Children Of The Sun - They started their climb
And on the journey of a thousand lifetimes
To the door - to the world - of another time
They guessed the limits of imagination

Every Man - Every Woman - Every Child
Everone felt the sound of their heartbeat
Then a beam made of light hit the ground
All at once came a sound from the inside

Children Of The Sun
Carryied to the world Children Of The Sun
Setting fire to the sky as they landed
Watching as the ships came one by one
The people of the Earth stood waiting

They traveled to the world on a shivering light
And in the colors of thousand sunsets
Came a voice from the sky on that magical night
People of the Earth can you hear me?

Relevant Tags:
CChildren OOf TThe SSun hildren f he un hCildren fO hTe uSn fhildren kf fhe zun fChildren kOf fThe zSun Cfhildren Okf Tfhe Szun
xhildren 9f 5he wun xChildren 9Of 5The wSun Cxhildren O9f T5he Swun vhildren 0f hhe dun vChildren 0Of hThe dSun Cvhildren O0f Thhe Sdun
dhildren lf yhe eun dChildren lOf yThe eSun Cdhildren Olf Tyhe Seun Chhildren if 6he xun Cildren iOf 6The xSun Cihldren Oif T6he Sxun
Cjildren Off ghe aun Cjhildren O gThe aSun Chjildren Of Tghe Saun Cuildren Oc rhe Suun Cuhildren Ocf rThe Sn Chuildren Ofc Trhe Snu
Cnildren Or Shn Cnhildren Orf Te Shun Chnildren Ofr Teh Suhn Cbildren Og Tje S7n Cbhildren Ogf Tjhe S7un Chbildren Ofg Thje Su7n
Cgildren Ot Tue Skn Cghildren Otf Tuhe Skun Chgildren Oft Thue Sukn Cyildren Ov Tne Sin Cyhildren Ovf Tnhe Siun Chyildren Ofv Thne Suin
Chiildren Od Tbe S8n Chldren Odf Tbhe S8un Chlidren Ofd Thbe Su8n Chjldren Tge Sjn Sjun Chijldren Thge Sujn
Ch9ldren Tye Syn Ch9ildren Syun Chi9ldren Thye Suyn Chlldren Thee Sunn Chlildren Th Su Chilldren The Sun
Choldren Ths Sum Choildren Thse Sumn Chioldren Thes Sunm Chkldren Th3 Suh Chkildren Th3e Chikldren The3 Sunh
Ch8ldren Thf Suj Ch8ildren Thfe Chi8ldren Thef Sunj Chuldren Thr Sub Thre Subn Chiuldren Ther Sunb
Th4 Chidren Th4e Chidlren The4 Chikdren Thd Thde Chilkdren Thed
Chiodren Thw Thwe Chilodren Thew Chipdren Chipldren

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