Bing Crosby
You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me (with Guy Lom...

Every kiss, every hug
Seems to act just like a drug
You're getting to be a habit with me
Let me stay in your arms
I'm addicted to your charms
You're getting to be a habit with me
I used to think your love was something that I could take or leave
But now I couldn't do without my supply
I need you for my own
Oh, I can't break away
I must have you every day
As regularly as coffee or tea
You've got me in your clutches
And I can't get free
You're getting to be a habit with me
Can't shake it
You're getting to be a habit with me

Oh I can't break away
I must have you every day
As regularly as coffee or tea
You've got me in your clutches and I can't get free
You're getting to be a habit with me
Can't break it
You're getting to be a habit with me

Mirror lyrics:

You're getting to be a habit with me
Can't break it
You're getting to be a habit with me
You've got me in your clutches and I can't get free
As regularly as coffee or tea
I must have you every day
Oh I can't break away

You're getting to be a habit with me
Can't shake it
You're getting to be a habit with me
And I can't get free
You've got me in your clutches
As regularly as coffee or tea
I must have you every day
Oh, I can't break away
I need you for my own
But now I couldn't do without my supply
I used to think your love was something that I could take or leave
You're getting to be a habit with me
I'm addicted to your charms
Let me stay in your arms
You're getting to be a habit with me
Seems to act just like a drug
Every kiss, every hug

Relevant Tags:
YYou're GGetting TTo BBe AA HHabit WWith MMe ((with GGuy LLom... ou're etting o e abit ith e with uy om...
oYu're eGtting oT eB A aHbit iWth eM w(ith uGy oLm... gou're hetting fo ve z jabit aith je (wwith huy kom...
gYou're hGetting fTo vBe zA jHabit aWith jMe (ith hGuy kLom... Ygou're Ghetting Tfo Bve Az Hjabit Waith Mje (iwth Ghuy Lkom...
hou're yetting 5o ge q uabit 3ith ke (aith yuy oom... hYou're yGetting 5To gBe qA uHabit 3With kMe (awith yGuy oLom...
Yhou're Gyetting T5o Bge Aq Huabit W3ith Mke (waith Gyuy Loom... 6ou're betting ho ne s nabit dith ne (3ith buy pom...
6You're bGetting hTo nBe sA nHabit dWith nMe (3with bGuy pLom... Y6ou're Gbetting Tho Bne As Hnabit Wdith Mne (w3ith Gbuy Lpom...
uou're vetting yo he w babit eith Mee (dith vuy uYou're vGetting yTo hBe wA bHabit eWith M (dwith vGuy Lm...
Yuou're Gvetting Tyo Bhe Aw Hbabit Weith Me (wdith Gvuy Lmo... 7ou're fetting 6o Bee x gabit sith Ms (eith fuy Lkm...
7You're fGetting 6To B xA gHabit sWith Mse (ewith fGuy Y7ou're Gfetting T6o Be Ax Hgabit Wsith Mes (weith Gfuy Lokm...
jou're tetting go Bs yabit 2ith M3 (sith tuy L9m... jYou're tGetting gTo Bse yHabit 2With M3e (swith tGuy L9om...
Yjou're Gtetting Tgo Bes Hyabit W2ith Me3 (wsith Gtuy Lo9m... tou're Geetting ro B3 Haabit qith Mf (2ith Guuy L0m...
tYou're Gtting rTo B3e Hbit qWith Mfe (2with Gy L0om... Ytou're Gteting Tro Be3 Hbait Wqith Mef (w2ith Gyu Lo0m...
Yoou're Gstting Too Bf Hzbit Wiith Mr (qith Ghy Llm... Yu're Gsetting T Bfe Hzabit Wth Mre (qwith Llom...
Yuo're Gestting To Bef Hazbit Wtih Mer (wqith Guhy Lolm... Yku're G3tting Tk Br Hqbit Wjth M4 (wiith G7y Lim...
Ykou're G3etting Tko Bre Hqabit Wjith M4e (wth G7uy Liom... Yoku're Ge3tting Tok Ber Haqbit Wijth Me4 (wtih Gu7y Loim...
Y9u're Gftting T9 B4 Hsbit W9th Md (wjth Gky Lomm... Y9ou're T9o B4e Hsabit W9ith Mde (wjith Gkuy Lo...
Yo9u're Geftting To9 Be4 Hasbit Wi9th Med (wijth Guky Lo.m.. Y0u're Grtting T0 Bd Hwbit Wlth Mw (w9th Giy Loj...
Y0ou're Gretting T0o Bde Hwabit Wlith Mwe (w9ith Giuy Lojm... Yo0u're Gertting To0 Bed Hawbit Wilth Mew (wi9th Guiy Lomj...
Ylu're G4tting Tl Bw Hxbit Woth (wlth G8y Lok... Ylou're G4etting Tlo Bwe Hxabit Woith (wlith G8uy
Yolu're Ge4tting Tol Bew Haxbit Wioth (wilth Gu8y Lomk... Yiu're Gdtting Ti Habbit Wkth (woth Gjy Lon...
Yiou're Gdetting Tio Hait Wkith (woith Gjuy Lonm... Yoiu're Gedtting Toi Haibt Wikth (wioth Gujy Lomn...
Youu're Gwtting Havit W8th (wkth Gyy Lom.... Yo're Gwetting Havbit W8ith (wkith Lom..
Yo'ure Gewtting Habvit Wi8th (wikth Guyy Lom... Yoh're Gettting Hagit Wuth (w8th
Yohu're Geting Hagbit Wuith (w8ith Gu Youh're Getting Habgit Wiuth (wi8th Guy
Yo7're Gefting Hanit Witth (wuth Gug Yo7u're Hanbit Wih (wuith Gugy
You7're Getfting Habnit Wiht (wiuth Guyg Yok're Ge5ting Hahit Wifh (witth Guh
Ge5tting Hahbit Wifth (wih Youk're Get5ting Habhit Witfh (wiht Guyh
Yoi're Gehting Habiit Wi5h (wifh Gu6 Gehtting Habt Wi5th (wifth Gu6y
Youi're Gethting Habti Wit5h (witfh Guy6 Yo8're Geyting Habjt Wihh (wi5h Guu
Yo8u're Geytting Habjit Wihth (wi5th You8're Getyting Habijt Withh (wit5h Guyu

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