Bo Bice
You Take Yourself With You

I hate this time
Cant even calculate easy
Dont know where I'm now
I know that I'm leaving
Down the dusty road
Its been calling me for years
But it just shook his hand
Mama was fighting back the tears

She said time to go
There's nothing left believing
When you know you know
Just stand by that feeling

You can climb the highest mountain
Where no one has ever gone
On the crowded city side walk
You might find yourself alone
In the middle of the desert
Anywhere the wind blows
So I will You Take Yourself With You
Where ever you'll go

Now crowd's ticking in the city life
those rolling hairs
Man the early nights
made this country boy thrilled
But it never felt right
Like I'll ever fit in
So I kept moving on
Now its time to road again

When it's time to go
There's nothing left to leaving
When you know you know
It's like the changing of the season

You can climb the highest mountain
Where no one has ever gone
On the crowded city side walk
You might find yourself alone
In the middle of the desert
Anywhere the wind blows
So I will You Take Yourself With You
Where ever you'll go

I found out the hard way
and I made my own mistakes
But my daddy's word were with me
Yet they're still far away

Mirror lyrics:

Yet they're still far away
But my daddy's word were with me
and I made my own mistakes
I found out the hard way

Where ever you'll go
So I will You Take Yourself With You
Anywhere the wind blows
In the middle of the desert
You might find yourself alone
On the crowded city side walk
Where no one has ever gone
You can climb the highest mountain

It's like the changing of the season
When you know you know
There's nothing left to leaving
When it's time to go

Now its time to road again
So I kept moving on
Like I'll ever fit in
But it never felt right
made this country boy thrilled
Man the early nights
those rolling hairs
Now crowd's ticking in the city life

Where ever you'll go
So I will You Take Yourself With You
Anywhere the wind blows
In the middle of the desert
You might find yourself alone
On the crowded city side walk
Where no one has ever gone
You can climb the highest mountain

Just stand by that feeling
When you know you know
There's nothing left believing
She said time to go

Mama was fighting back the tears
But it just shook his hand
Its been calling me for years
Down the dusty road
I know that I'm leaving
Dont know where I'm now
Cant even calculate easy
I hate this time

Relevant Tags:
YYou TTake YYourself WWith YYou ou ake ourself ith ou oYu aTke oYurself iWth oYu gou fake gourself aith gou gYou fTake gYourself aWith gYou
Ygou Tfake Ygourself Waith Ygou hou 5ake hourself 3ith hou hYou 5Take hYourself 3With hYou Yhou T5ake Yhourself W3ith Yhou 6ou hake 6ourself dith 6ou
6You hTake 6Yourself dWith 6You Y6ou Thake Y6ourself Wdith Y6ou uou yake uourself eith uou uYou yTake uYourself eWith uYou Yuou Tyake Yuourself Weith Yuou
7ou 6ake 7ourself sith 7ou 7You 6Take 7Yourself sWith 7You Y7ou T6ake Y7ourself Wsith Y7ou jou gake jourself 2ith jou jYou gTake jYourself 2With jYou
Yjou Tgake Yjourself W2ith Yjou tou rake tourself qith tou tYou rTake tYourself qWith tYou Ytou Trake Ytourself Wqith Ytou Yoou Taake Yoourself Wiith Yoou
Yu Tke Yurself Wth Yu Yuo Tkae Yuorself Wtih Yuo Yku Tzke Ykurself Wjth Yku Ykou Tzake Ykourself Wjith Ykou Yoku Tazke Yokurself Wijth Yoku
Y9u Tqke Y9urself W9th Y9u Y9ou Tqake Y9ourself W9ith Y9ou Yo9u Taqke Yo9urself Wi9th Yo9u Y0u Tske Y0urself Wlth Y0u Y0ou Tsake Y0ourself Wlith Y0ou
Yo0u Taske Yo0urself Wilth Yo0u Ylu Twke Ylurself Woth Ylu Ylou Twake Ylourself Woith Ylou Yolu Tawke Yolurself Wioth Yolu Yiu Txke Yiurself Wkth Yiu
Yiou Txake Yiourself Wkith Yiou Yoiu Taxke Yoiurself Wikth Yoiu Youu Takke Youurself W8th Youu Yo Tae Yorself W8ith Yo You Taek Yoruself Wi8th You
Yoh Tale Yohrself Wuth Yoh Yohu Talke Yohurself Wuith Yohu Youh Takle Youhrself Wiuth Youh Yo7 Taoe Yo7rself Witth Yo7 Yo7u Taoke Yo7urself Wih Yo7u
You7 Takoe You7rself Wiht You7 Yok Tame Yokrself Wifh Yok Tamke Wifth Youk Takme Youkrself Witfh Youk Yoi Taje Yoirself Wi5h Yoi
Tajke Wi5th Youi Takje Youirself Wit5h Youi Yo8 Taie Yo8rself Wihh Yo8 Yo8u Taike Yo8urself Wihth Yo8u You8 Takie You8rself Withh You8
Yoj Takee Yojrself Wiyh Yoj Yoju Tak Yojurself Wiyth Yoju Youj Take Youjrself Wityh Youj Yoy Taks Yoyrself Wi6h Yoy Yoyu Takse Yoyurself Wi6th Yoyu
Youy Takes Youyrself Wit6h Youy Tak3 Yourrself Wigh Tak3e Youself Wigth Take3 Yousrelf Witgh Takf Youdself Wirh
Takfe Youdrself Wirth Takef Yourdself Witrh Takr You4self Takre You4rself Wit Taker Your4self With
Tak4 Yougself Witj Tak4e Yougrself Witjh Take4 Yourgself Withj Takd Youtself Witu Takde Youtrself Wituh

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