Sara (english Version)

Boy today I saw you smile and I wondered if you knew
That you were the one that took my heart away from me
I can't get you off my mind 'cause I'm falling for you boy
All my dreams and all my thoughts are all for you

I feel you day and night whether it's black or white
There's nothing more to me than you boy, can't you see
I just want you to know you are the one for me
And i can't stand to live nine lives without you boy

I don't know just what to do just can't take my eyes off you
I can hardly breathe when you come walkin' close to me
I sit home and cry at times thinking that you'll never feel
Me and love me like the way I do for you

*Sunny or stormy skies, my love will never die
I'll be right by your side, run to you when you cry
Boy if you feel the same, please come and call my name
I see me searching high and low to find you boy

Sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~

Crazy glue stuck together soul ties rainy weather
Never separate love like a flu shot it gets better
Your perfection and your reflection is what I need again
So I walk the streets again until we meet again

Boy we can play together let our hearts go free
We can always learn to love and live in fantasy
Even though there may be hard times, I'm sure we can work it out
All I need is you to love me endlessly

Repeat * x2

Sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~

Mirror lyrics:

Sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~

Repeat * x2

All I need is you to love me endlessly
Even though there may be hard times, I'm sure we can work it out
We can always learn to love and live in fantasy
Boy we can play together let our hearts go free

So I walk the streets again until we meet again
Your perfection and your reflection is what I need again
Never separate love like a flu shot it gets better
Crazy glue stuck together soul ties rainy weather

Sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~ sara~

I see me searching high and low to find you boy
Boy if you feel the same, please come and call my name
I'll be right by your side, run to you when you cry
*Sunny or stormy skies, my love will never die

Me and love me like the way I do for you
I sit home and cry at times thinking that you'll never feel
I can hardly breathe when you come walkin' close to me
I don't know just what to do just can't take my eyes off you

And i can't stand to live nine lives without you boy
I just want you to know you are the one for me
There's nothing more to me than you boy, can't you see
I feel you day and night whether it's black or white

All my dreams and all my thoughts are all for you
I can't get you off my mind 'cause I'm falling for you boy
That you were the one that took my heart away from me
Boy today I saw you smile and I wondered if you knew

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SSara ((english VVersion) ara english ersion) aSra e(nglish eVrsion) zara (eenglish bersion) zSara (nglish bVersion) Szara (neglish Vbersion)
wara (snglish cersion) wSara (senglish cVersion) Swara (esnglish Vcersion) dara (3nglish gersion) dSara (3english gVersion) Sdara (e3nglish Vgersion)
eara (fnglish fersion) eSara (fenglish fVersion) Seara (efnglish Vfersion) xara (rnglish Veersion) xSara (renglish Vrsion) Sxara (ernglish Vresion)
aara (4nglish Vsrsion) aSara (4english Vsersion) Saara (e4nglish Vesrsion) (dnglish V3rsion) Sra (denglish V3ersion) Sraa (ednglish Ve3rsion)
Szra (wnglish Vfrsion) (wenglish Sazra (ewnglish Vefrsion) Sqra (ennglish Vrrsion) Sqara (eglish Vrersion) Saqra (egnlish Verrsion)
Ssra (emglish V4rsion) Ssara (emnglish V4ersion) Sasra (enmglish Ve4rsion) Swra (ehglish Vdrsion) (ehnglish Vdersion) Sawra (enhglish Vedrsion)
Sxra (ejglish Vwrsion) (ejnglish Vwersion) Saxra (enjglish Vewrsion) Sarra (ebglish Saa (ebnglish Vesion) Saar (enbglish Vesrion)
Sada (engglish Vedsion) Sadra (enlish Sarda (enlgish Verdsion) Sa4a (enhlish Ve4sion) Sa4ra Sar4a (enghlish Ver4sion)
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Sa5a (envlish Ve5sion) Sa5ra (envglish Ve5rsion) Sar5a (engvlish Ver5sion) Safa (enflish Vefsion) Safra (enfglish Sarfa (engflish Verfsion)
Saea (entlish Veesion) Saera (entglish Sarea (engtlish Veresion) Saraa (engllish Verssion) Sar (engish Verion) Sara (engilsh Verison)
Sarz (engkish Verzion) Sarza (engklish Verzsion)

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