Bob Dylan
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

I've seen love go by my door
It's never been this close before
Never been so easy or so slow
Been shootin' in the dark too long
If something's not right it's wrong
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

Dragon clouds so high above
I've only known careless love
It's always hit me from below
But this time around it's more correct
Right on target and so direct
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

Purple clover, Queen Anne's lace
Crimson hair across your face
You can make me cry but you don't know
Can't remember what I was thinking of
You might be spoiling me with too much love
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

Flowers on the hillside blooming crazy
Crickets talking back and forth in rhyme
Blue river running slow and lazy
I could spend forever with you and never realize the time

Situations have ended sad
Relationships have all been bad
Mine have been like Verlaine's and Rimbaud's
But there's no way I can compare
All them scenes to this affair, honey
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

You're gonna make me wonder what I'm doing
Staying far behind without you
You're gonna make me wonder what I'm saying
You're gonna make me give myself a good talking to

I'll look for you in old Honolulu
San Francisco, Ashtabula
You're gonna have to leave me now I know
But I'll see you in the sky above
In the tall grass in the ones I love
You're gonna make me lonesome when you go

Mirror lyrics:

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go
In the tall grass in the ones I love
But I'll see you in the sky above
You're gonna have to leave me now I know
San Francisco, Ashtabula
I'll look for you in old Honolulu

You're gonna make me give myself a good talking to
You're gonna make me wonder what I'm saying
Staying far behind without you
You're gonna make me wonder what I'm doing

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go
All them scenes to this affair, honey
But there's no way I can compare
Mine have been like Verlaine's and Rimbaud's
Relationships have all been bad
Situations have ended sad

I could spend forever with you and never realize the time
Blue river running slow and lazy
Crickets talking back and forth in rhyme
Flowers on the hillside blooming crazy

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go
You might be spoiling me with too much love
Can't remember what I was thinking of
You can make me cry but you don't know
Crimson hair across your face
Purple clover, Queen Anne's lace

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go
Right on target and so direct
But this time around it's more correct
It's always hit me from below
I've only known careless love
Dragon clouds so high above

You're gonna make me lonesome when you go
If something's not right it's wrong
Been shootin' in the dark too long
Never been so easy or so slow
It's never been this close before
I've seen love go by my door

Relevant Tags:
YYou're GGonna MMake MMe LLonesome WWhen YYou GGo ou're onna ake e onesome hen ou o oYu're oGnna aMke eM oLnesome hWen oYu oG
gou're honna jake je konesome ahen gou ho gYou're hGonna jMake jMe kLonesome aWhen gYou hGo Ygou're Ghonna Mjake Mje Lkonesome Wahen Ygou Gho
hou're yonna kake ke oonesome 3hen hou yo hYou're yGonna kMake kMe oLonesome 3When hYou yGo Yhou're Gyonna Mkake Mke Loonesome W3hen Yhou Gyo
6ou're bonna nake ne ponesome dhen 6ou bo 6You're bGonna nMake nMe pLonesome dWhen 6You bGo Y6ou're Gbonna Mnake Mne Lponesome Wdhen Y6ou Gbo
uou're vonna Maake Mee ehen uou vo uYou're vGonna Mke M Lnesome eWhen uYou vGo Yuou're Gvonna Mkae Me Lnoesome Wehen Yuou Gvo
7ou're fonna Mzke Ms Lknesome shen 7ou fo 7You're fGonna Mzake Mse sWhen 7You fGo Y7ou're Gfonna Mazke Mes Loknesome Wshen Y7ou Gfo
jou're tonna Mqke M3 L9nesome 2hen jou to jYou're tGonna Mqake M3e L9onesome 2When jYou tGo Yjou're Gtonna Maqke Me3 Lo9nesome W2hen Yjou Gto
tou're Goonna Mske Mf L0nesome qhen tou Goo tYou're Gnna Msake Mfe L0onesome qWhen tYou G Ytou're Gnona Maske Mef Lo0nesome Wqhen Ytou Go
Yoou're Gknna Mwke Mr Llnesome Whhen Yoou Gk Yu're Gkonna Mwake Mre Llonesome Wen Yu Gko Yuo're Goknna Mawke Mer Lolnesome Wehn Yuo Gok
Yku're G9nna Mxke M4 Linesome Wjen Yku G9 Ykou're G9onna Mxake M4e Lionesome Wjhen Ykou G9o Yoku're Go9nna Maxke Me4 Loinesome Whjen Yoku Go9
Y9u're G0nna Makke Md Lonnesome Wuen Y9u G0 Y9ou're G0onna Mae Mde Loesome Wuhen Y9ou G0o Yo9u're Go0nna Maek Med Loensome Whuen Yo9u Go0
Y0u're Glnna Male Mw Lomesome Wnen Y0u Gl Y0ou're Glonna Malke Mwe Lomnesome Wnhen Y0ou Glo Yo0u're Golnna Makle Mew Lonmesome Whnen Yo0u Gol
Ylu're Ginna Maoe Lohesome Wben Ylu Gi Ylou're Gionna Maoke Lohnesome Wbhen Ylou Gio Yolu're Goinna Makoe Lonhesome Whben Yolu Goi
Yiu're Gonnna Mame Lojesome Wgen Yiu Yiou're Gona Mamke Lojnesome Wghen Yiou Yoiu're Gonna Makme Lonjesome Whgen Yoiu
Youu're Gomna Maje Lobesome Wyen Youu Yo're Gomnna Majke Lobnesome Wyhen Yo Yo'ure Gonmna Makje Lonbesome Whyen You
Yoh're Gohna Maie Loneesome Wheen Yoh Yohu're Gohnna Maike Lonsome Whn Yohu Youh're Gonhna Makie Lonseome Whne Youh
Yo7're Gojna Makee Lonssome Whsn Yo7 Yo7u're Gojnna Mak Lonsesome Whsen Yo7u You7're Gonjna Make Lonessome Whesn You7
Yok're Gobna Maks Lon3some Wh3n Yok Gobnna Makse Lon3esome Wh3en Youk're Gonbna Makes Lone3some Whe3n Youk
Yoi're Mak3 Lonfsome Whfn Yoi Mak3e Lonfesome Whfen Youi're Gonan Make3 Lonefsome Whefn Youi
Yo8're Gonma Makf Lonrsome Whrn Yo8 Yo8u're Makfe Lonresome Whren Yo8u You8're Gonnma Makef Lonersome Whern You8
Yoj're Gonha Makr Lon4some Wh4n Yoj Yoju're Makre Lon4esome Wh4en Yoju Youj're Gonnha Maker Lone4some Whe4n Youj
Yoy're Gonja Mak4 Londsome Whdn Yoy Yoyu're Mak4e Londesome Whden Yoyu Youy're Gonnja Make4 Lonedsome Whedn Youy
You''re Gonba Makd Lonwsome Whwn Youre Makde Lonwesome Whwen Your'e Gonnba Maked Lonewsome Whewn

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