Bob Dylan
Shooting Star

Seen a shootin' star tonight
And I thought of you
You're tryin' to break into another world
A world I never knew
I always kinda wondered
If you ever made it through
Seen a shootin' star tonight
And I thought of you

Seen a shootin' star tonight
And I thought of me
If I was still the same
If I ever became
What you wanted me to be
Did I miss the mark
Overstep the line
That only you could see
Seen a shootin' star tonight
And I thought of me

Listen for the engine
Listen fir the bell
As the last fire-truck from hell
Goes rollin' by
All good people are prayin'
It's the last temptation
The last account
Last time you might hear
The sermon on the mount
Last Radio is playin'

Seen a shootin' star tonight
Slip away
Tommorow will be
Another day
Guess it's too late to say the things to you
You needed to hear me say
Seen a shootin' star tonight
Slip away

Mirror lyrics:

Slip away
Seen a shootin' star tonight
You needed to hear me say
Guess it's too late to say the things to you
Another day
Tommorow will be
Slip away
Seen a shootin' star tonight

Last Radio is playin'
The sermon on the mount
Last time you might hear
The last account
It's the last temptation
All good people are prayin'
Goes rollin' by
As the last fire-truck from hell
Listen fir the bell
Listen for the engine

And I thought of me
Seen a shootin' star tonight
That only you could see
Overstep the line
Did I miss the mark
What you wanted me to be
If I ever became
If I was still the same
And I thought of me
Seen a shootin' star tonight

And I thought of you
Seen a shootin' star tonight
If you ever made it through
I always kinda wondered
A world I never knew
You're tryin' to break into another world
And I thought of you
Seen a shootin' star tonight

Relevant Tags:
SShooting SStar hooting tar hSooting tSar zhooting ztar zShooting zStar Szhooting Sztar whooting wtar wShooting wStar Swhooting Swtar
dhooting dtar dShooting dStar Sdhooting Sdtar ehooting etar eShooting eStar Sehooting Setar xhooting xtar xShooting xStar Sxhooting Sxtar
ahooting atar aShooting aStar Sahooting Satar Shhooting Sttar Sooting Sar Sohoting Satr Sjooting Sfar Sjhooting Sftar Shjooting Stfar
Suooting S5ar Suhooting S5tar Shuooting St5ar Snooting Shar Snhooting Shtar Shnooting Sthar Sbooting Syar Sbhooting Sytar Shbooting Styar
Sgooting S6ar Sghooting S6tar Shgooting St6ar Syooting Sgar Syhooting Sgtar Shyooting Stgar Shoooting Srar Shoting Srtar Shooting Strar
Shkoting Staar Shkooting Str Shokoting Stra Sh9oting Stzr Sh9ooting Stzar Sho9oting Stazr Sh0oting Stqr Sh0ooting Stqar Sho0oting Staqr
Shloting Stsr Shlooting Stsar Sholoting Stasr Shioting Stwr Shiooting Stwar Shoioting Stawr Stxr Stxar Shotoing Staxr
Shokting Starr Sta Shookting Star Sho9ting Stad Stadr Shoo9ting Stard Sho0ting Sta4 Sta4r Shoo0ting Star4
Sholting Stag Stagr Shoolting Starg Shoiting Stat

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