Bob Dylan
Mr. Bojangles

I knew a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you in worn out shoes
Silver hair, ragged shirt and baggy pants, that old soft shoe
He'd jump so high, he'd jump so high, will he likely touch down ?
Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.

I met him in a cell in New Orleans, I was down and out
He looked to me to be the eye of age as he spoke right out
He talked of life, he talked of life, laughing slapped his leg stale
Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.

He said the name Bojangles and he danced a lick all across the cell
He grabbed his pants for a better stance,
oh he jumped so high and he clicked
up his heels
He let go laugh, he let go laugh, shook back his clothes all around
Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance, yeah, dance.

He danced for those at minstrel shows and county fairs
throughtout the south
He spoke with tears of 15 years of how his dog and
him but just travelled all about
Hid dog up and died, he up and died, and after 20 years he still grieves
Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.

He said I dance now at every chance at honky-tonks for drinks and tips
But most of the time I spend behind these county bars,Ocause
I drink so bitO
He shook his head, yes he shook his head,
I heard someone ask him, OpleaseO,
Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance, dance, Mr Bojangles, dance.

Mirror lyrics:

Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance, dance, Mr Bojangles, dance.
I heard someone ask him, OpleaseO,
He shook his head, yes he shook his head,
I drink so bitO
But most of the time I spend behind these county bars,Ocause
He said I dance now at every chance at honky-tonks for drinks and tips

Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.
Hid dog up and died, he up and died, and after 20 years he still grieves
him but just travelled all about
He spoke with tears of 15 years of how his dog and
throughtout the south
He danced for those at minstrel shows and county fairs

Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance, yeah, dance.
He let go laugh, he let go laugh, shook back his clothes all around
up his heels
oh he jumped so high and he clicked
He grabbed his pants for a better stance,
He said the name Bojangles and he danced a lick all across the cell

Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.
He talked of life, he talked of life, laughing slapped his leg stale
He looked to me to be the eye of age as he spoke right out
I met him in a cell in New Orleans, I was down and out

Mr. Bojangles, Mr. Bojangles, dance.
He'd jump so high, he'd jump so high, will he likely touch down ?
Silver hair, ragged shirt and baggy pants, that old soft shoe
I knew a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you in worn out shoes

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MMr. BBojangles r. ojangles rM. oBjangles jr. vojangles jMr. vBojangles Mjr. Bvojangles kr. gojangles kMr. gBojangles Mkr. Bgojangles
nr. nojangles nMr. nBojangles Mnr. Bnojangles Mrr. hojangles M. hBojangles M.r Bhojangles Md. Boojangles Mdr. Bjangles Mrd. Bjoangles
M4. Bkjangles M4r. Bkojangles Mr4. Bokjangles Mg. B9jangles Mgr. B9ojangles Mrg. Bo9jangles Mt. B0jangles Mtr. B0ojangles Mrt. Bo0jangles
M5. Bljangles M5r. Blojangles Mr5. Boljangles Mf. Bijangles Mfr. Biojangles Mrf. Boijangles Me. Bojjangles Mer. Boangles Mre. Boajngles
Mr.. Bokangles Mr Mr. Bojkangles Boiangles Bojiangles Bomangles Bomjangles Bojmangles Bonangles
Bonjangles Bojnangles Bohangles Bohjangles Bojhangles Bouangles Boujangles Bojuangles Bojaangles
Bojngles Bojnagles Bojzngles Bojzangles Bojazngles Bojqngles Bojqangles Bojaqngles Bojsngles
Bojsangles Bojasngles Bojwngles Bojwangles Bojawngles Bojxngles Bojxangles Bojaxngles Bojanngles
Bojagles Bojagnles Bojamgles Bojamngles Bojanmgles Bojahgles

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