Bob Marley
Rat Race

Ah! Ya too rude
Oh what a rat race
Oh what a rat race
This is the rat race

Some a lawful, some a bastard
Some a jacket
Oh what a rat race, rat race

Some a gorgan, some a hooligan
Some a guine-gog
In this rat race. Yeah!
Rat race
I'm singing
When the cats away
The mice will play
Political violence fill ya city
Don't involve Rasta in your say say
Rasta don't work for no C.I.A
Rat race, rat race, rat race

When you think its peace and safety
A sudden destruction
Collective security for surety
Don't forget your history
Know your destiny
In the abundance of water
The fool is thirsty
Rat race, rat race, rat race

Oh it's a disgrace to see the
Human-race in a rat race, rat race
You got the horse race
You got the dog race
You got the human-race
But this is a rat race, rat race

Mirror lyrics:

But this is a rat race, rat race
You got the human-race
You got the dog race
You got the horse race
Human-race in a rat race, rat race
Oh it's a disgrace to see the

Rat race, rat race, rat race
The fool is thirsty
In the abundance of water
Know your destiny
Don't forget your history
Collective security for surety
A sudden destruction
When you think its peace and safety

Rat race, rat race, rat race
Rasta don't work for no C.I.A
Don't involve Rasta in your say say
Political violence fill ya city
The mice will play
When the cats away
I'm singing
Rat race
In this rat race. Yeah!
Some a guine-gog
Some a gorgan, some a hooligan

Oh what a rat race, rat race
Some a jacket
Some a lawful, some a bastard

This is the rat race
Oh what a rat race
Oh what a rat race
Ah! Ya too rude

Relevant Tags:
RRat RRace at ace aRt aRce dat dace dRat dRace Rdat Rdace 4at 4ace 4Rat 4Race R4at R4ace gat gace gRat gRace
Rgat Rgace tat tace tRat tRace Rtat Rtace 5at 5ace 5Rat 5Race R5at R5ace fat face fRat fRace Rfat Rface eat eace
eRat eRace Reat Reace Raat Raace Rt Rce Rta Rcae Rzt Rzce Rzat Rzace Razt Razce Rqt Rqce Rqat Rqace Raqt Raqce
Rst Rsce Rsat Rsace Rast Rasce Rwt Rwce Rwat Rwace Rawt Rawce

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