Bob Marley
Ride Natty Ride

Rub, rub, rubby-doo-day;
Rum-pum-pum a-rum-pum-pum-pum!
ooh yeah!!!
Dready got a job to do
And he's got to fulfill that mission
To see his hurt is their greatest ambition, yeah!
But-a we will survive in this world of competition,
'Cause no matter what they do
Natty keep on comin'through,
And no matter what they say-ay-ay-ay,
Natty de deh every day. yeah!
Natty Dread rides again,
Through the mystics of tomorrow,
Natty Dread rides again:
Have no fear, have no sorrow, yeah!

All and all you see but one
Is to fight against Rastaman.
So they build their world in great confusion
To force on us the devil's illusion.
But the stone that the builder refuse
Shall be the head cornerstone,
And no matter what game they play,
Eh, we got something they could never take away;
We got something they could never take away:

And it's the fire (fire), it's the fire (fire)
That's burning down everything:
Feel that fire (fire), the fire (fire);
Only the birds have their wings, yeah!
No time to be deceived.
Oh, brothers, you should know and not believe:
Jah say this judgement - it could never be with water,
No water could put out this fire (fire):
This fire (fire), this fire (fire),
This fire (fire), a yaga y'all! Ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready, go deh,
'Cause now the fire is out of control,
Panic in the city, wicked weeping for their gold!
Everywhere this fiyah is burning,
Destroying and melting their gold,
Destroying and waisting their souls.

Go ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready! Go deh!

Tell you what: now the people gather on the beach
And the leader try to make a speech,
But the Dreadies understandin' that it's too late:
Fire is burning;
Man, pull your own weight!
Fiyah is burning;
Man, pull your own weight!
Natty Dread rides again (Natty Dread rides again);
And me say, Go deh, Dready! Go deh! (go deh, go deh)
Oh ride, Natty, ride! (Dread rides again)
And go deh, Dready! (Go deh, go deh)
Ridin' through the storm,
Riding through the calm (go deh, go deh).
Oh ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready, go deh!
Ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready, do deh!

Mirror lyrics:

Go deh, Dready, do deh!
Ride, Natty, ride!
Go deh, Dready, go deh!
Oh ride, Natty, ride!
Riding through the calm (go deh, go deh).
Ridin' through the storm,
And go deh, Dready! (Go deh, go deh)
Oh ride, Natty, ride! (Dread rides again)
And me say, Go deh, Dready! Go deh! (go deh, go deh)
Natty Dread rides again (Natty Dread rides again);
Man, pull your own weight!
Fiyah is burning;
Man, pull your own weight!
Fire is burning;
But the Dreadies understandin' that it's too late:
And the leader try to make a speech,
Tell you what: now the people gather on the beach

Go deh, Dready! Go deh!
Go ride, Natty, ride!

Destroying and waisting their souls.
Destroying and melting their gold,
Everywhere this fiyah is burning,
Panic in the city, wicked weeping for their gold!
'Cause now the fire is out of control,
Go deh, Dready, go deh,
This fire (fire), a yaga y'all! Ride, Natty, ride!
This fire (fire), this fire (fire),
No water could put out this fire (fire):
Jah say this judgement - it could never be with water,
Oh, brothers, you should know and not believe:
No time to be deceived.
Only the birds have their wings, yeah!
Feel that fire (fire), the fire (fire);
That's burning down everything:
And it's the fire (fire), it's the fire (fire)

We got something they could never take away:
Eh, we got something they could never take away;
And no matter what game they play,
Shall be the head cornerstone,
But the stone that the builder refuse
To force on us the devil's illusion.
So they build their world in great confusion
Is to fight against Rastaman.
All and all you see but one

Have no fear, have no sorrow, yeah!
Natty Dread rides again:
Through the mystics of tomorrow,
Natty Dread rides again,
Natty de deh every day. yeah!
And no matter what they say-ay-ay-ay,
Natty keep on comin'through,
'Cause no matter what they do
But-a we will survive in this world of competition,
To see his hurt is their greatest ambition, yeah!
And he's got to fulfill that mission
Dready got a job to do
ooh yeah!!!
Rum-pum-pum a-rum-pum-pum-pum!
Rub, rub, rubby-doo-day;

Relevant Tags:
RRide NNatty RRide ide atty ide iRde aNtty iRde dide matty dide dRide mNatty dRide Rdide Nmatty Rdide 4ide hatty 4ide
4Ride hNatty 4Ride R4ide Nhatty R4ide gide jatty gide gRide jNatty gRide Rgide Njatty Rgide tide batty tide tRide bNatty tRide
Rtide Nbatty Rtide 5ide Naatty 5ide 5Ride Ntty 5Ride R5ide Ntaty R5ide fide Nztty fide fRide Nzatty fRide Rfide Naztty Rfide
eide Nqtty eide eRide Nqatty eRide Reide Naqtty Reide Riide Nstty Riide Rde Nsatty Rde Rdie Nastty Rdie Rjde Nwtty Rjde
Rjide Nwatty Rjide Rijde Nawtty Rijde R9de Nxtty R9de R9ide Nxatty R9ide Ri9de Naxtty Ri9de Rlde Nattty Rlde Rlide Naty Rlide
Rilde Natty Rilde Rode Nafty Rode Roide Naftty Roide Riode Natfty Riode Rkde Na5ty Rkde Rkide Na5tty Rkide Rikde Nat5ty Rikde
R8de Nahty R8de R8ide Nahtty R8ide Ri8de Nathty Ri8de

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