Billy Joel
Lullaby (goodnight, My Angel)

Goodnight, my angel
Time to close your eyes
And save these questions for another day
I think I know what you've been asking me
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I promised I would never leave you
And you should always know
Wherever you may go
No matter where you are
I never will be far away

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to sleep
And still so many things I want to say
Remember all the songs you sang for me
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
And like a boat out on the ocean
I'm rocking you to sleep
The water's dark
And deep inside this ancient heart
You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight, my angel
Now it's time to dream
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Someday your child may cry
And if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

Someday we'll all be gone
But lullabies go on and on...
They never die
That's how you
And I
Will be

Mirror lyrics:

Will be
And I
That's how you
They never die
But lullabies go on and on...
Someday we'll all be gone

There will always be a part of me
Then in your heart
And if you sing this lullaby
Someday your child may cry
And dream how wonderful your life will be
Now it's time to dream
Goodnight, my angel

You'll always be a part of me
And deep inside this ancient heart
The water's dark
I'm rocking you to sleep
And like a boat out on the ocean
When we went sailing on an emerald bay
Remember all the songs you sang for me
And still so many things I want to say
Now it's time to sleep
Goodnight, my angel

I never will be far away
No matter where you are
Wherever you may go
And you should always know
I promised I would never leave you
I think you know what I've been trying to say
I think I know what you've been asking me
And save these questions for another day
Time to close your eyes
Goodnight, my angel

Relevant Tags:
LLullaby ((goodnight, MMy AAngel) ullaby goodnight, y ngel) uLllaby g(oodnight, yM nAgel) kullaby (ggoodnight, jy zngel) kLullaby (oodnight, jMy zAngel)
Lkullaby (ogodnight, Mjy Azngel) oullaby (hoodnight, ky qngel) oLullaby (hgoodnight, kMy qAngel) Loullaby (ghoodnight, Mky Aqngel) pullaby (yoodnight, ny sngel)
pLullaby (ygoodnight, nMy sAngel) Lpullaby (gyoodnight, Mny Asngel) Luullaby (boodnight, Myy wngel) Lllaby (bgoodnight, M wAngel) Llulaby (gboodnight, My Awngel)
Lhllaby (voodnight, Mg xngel) Lhullaby (vgoodnight, Mgy xAngel) Luhllaby (gvoodnight, Myg Axngel) L7llaby (foodnight, Mh Anngel) L7ullaby (fgoodnight, Mhy Agel)
Lu7llaby (gfoodnight, Myh Agnel) Lkllaby (toodnight, M6 Amgel) (tgoodnight, M6y Amngel) Lukllaby (gtoodnight, My6 Anmgel) Lillaby (gooodnight, Mu Ahgel)
Liullaby (godnight, Muy Ahngel) Luillaby (goodnight, Myu Anhgel) L8llaby (gkodnight, M7 Ajgel) L8ullaby (gkoodnight, M7y Ajngel) Lu8llaby (gokodnight, My7 Anjgel)
Ljllaby (g9odnight, Mj Abgel) Ljullaby (g9oodnight, Abngel) Lujllaby (go9odnight, Myj Anbgel) Lyllaby (g0odnight, Mt Anggel) Lyullaby (g0oodnight, Mty Anel)
Luyllaby (go0odnight, Myt Anegl) Lulllaby (glodnight, Anhel) Lulaby (gloodnight, Lullaby (golodnight, Anghel) Luklaby (giodnight, Anyel)
(gioodnight, Anygel) Lulklaby (goiodnight, Angyel) Luolaby Anbel) Luollaby Lulolaby (godonight, Angbel)
Luplaby (gokdnight, Anvel) Lupllaby Anvgel) Lulplaby (gookdnight, Angvel) (go9dnight, Anfel) Anfgel)
Lulalby (goo9dnight, Angfel) Lulkaby (go0dnight, Antel) Antgel) Lullkaby (goo0dnight, Angtel) Luloaby (goldnight, Angeel)
Angl) Lulloaby (gooldnight, Angle) Lulpaby (goidnight, Angsl) Angsel) Lullpaby (gooidnight, Angesl)
Lullaaby (gooddnight, Ang3l) Lullby (goonight, Ang3el) Lullbay (goondight, Ange3l) Lullzby (gooxnight, Angfl) Lullzaby (gooxdnight,
Lullazby (goodxnight, Angefl) Lullqby (gooenight, Angrl) Lullqaby (gooednight, Angrel) Lullaqby (goodenight, Angerl) Lullsby (goofnight, Ang4l)
Lullsaby (goofdnight, Ang4el) Lullasby (goodfnight, Ange4l) Lullwby (goornight, Angdl) Lullwaby (goordnight, Angdel) Lullawby (goodrnight, Angedl)
Lullxby (goocnight, Angwl) Lullxaby (goocdnight, Angwel) Lullaxby (goodcnight, Angewl) Lullabby (goosnight, Angell) Lullay (goosdnight, Ange)
Lullayb (goodsnight, Ange)l Lullavy (goodnnight, Angek) Lullavby (goodight, Angekl) Lullabvy (goodinght, Angelk) Lullagy (goodmight, Angeo)
Lullagby (goodmnight, Angeol) Lullabgy (goodnmight, Angelo)

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