Billy Joel
She's Right On Time

Turn on all the Christmas lights
Cause baby's coming home tonight
I can hear her footsteps in the street
Turn the choral music higher
Pile more wood upon the fire
That should make the atmosphere complete
I've had to wait forever
But better late than never

She's just in time for me
She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time

I'm a man with so much tension
Far too many sins to mention
She don't have to take it anymore
But since she said she's coming home
I've torn out all my telephones
Soon she will be walking through that door
I may be going nowhere
But I don't mind if she's there

She's just in time for me
She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time

Left to my own device
I can always make believe
That there's nothing wrong
Still I will chose to live
In the complicated world
That we shared for so long
Good or bad
Right or wrong

And it occured to me
While I set up my Christmas tree
She never missed a cue
Or lost a beat
Everytime I lost the meter
There she was when I would need her
Greeting me with footsteps in the street
I guess I should have known it
She'd find the perfect moment

She's just in time for me
She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time

Turn the choral music higher
Pile more wood upon the fire
That will make the atmosphere complete
I've had to wait forever
But better late than never

She's just in time for me
She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time
She's right on time
She's right on time

Mirror lyrics:

She's right on time
She's right on time
She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time
She's just in time for me

But better late than never
I've had to wait forever
That will make the atmosphere complete
Pile more wood upon the fire
Turn the choral music higher

She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time
She's just in time for me

She'd find the perfect moment
I guess I should have known it
Greeting me with footsteps in the street
There she was when I would need her
Everytime I lost the meter
Or lost a beat
She never missed a cue
While I set up my Christmas tree
And it occured to me

Right or wrong
Good or bad
That we shared for so long
In the complicated world
Still I will chose to live
That there's nothing wrong
I can always make believe
Left to my own device

She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time
She's just in time for me

But I don't mind if she's there
I may be going nowhere
Soon she will be walking through that door
I've torn out all my telephones
But since she said she's coming home
She don't have to take it anymore
Far too many sins to mention
I'm a man with so much tension

She's right on time
She's right where she should be
She's right on time
She's just in time for me

But better late than never
I've had to wait forever
That should make the atmosphere complete
Pile more wood upon the fire
Turn the choral music higher
I can hear her footsteps in the street
Cause baby's coming home tonight
Turn on all the Christmas lights

Relevant Tags:
SShe's RRight OOn TTime he's ight n ime hSe's iRght nO iTme zhe's dight kn fime zShe's dRight kOn fTime Szhe's Rdight Okn Tfime
whe's 4ight 9n 5ime wShe's 4Right 9On 5Time Swhe's R4ight O9n T5ime dhe's gight 0n hime dShe's gRight 0On hTime Sdhe's Rgight O0n Thime
ehe's tight ln yime eShe's tRight lOn yTime Sehe's Rtight Oln Tyime xhe's 5ight in 6ime xShe's 5Right iOn 6Time Sxhe's R5ight Oin T6ime
ahe's fight Onn gime aShe's fRight O gTime Sahe's Rfight On Tgime Shhe's eight Om rime Se's eRight Omn rTime Seh's Reight Onm Trime
Sje's Riight Oh Tiime Sjhe's Rght Ohn Tme Shje's Rgiht Onh Tmie Sue's Rjght Oj Tjme Suhe's Rjight Ojn Tjime Shue's Rijght Onj Tijme
Sne's R9ght Ob T9me Snhe's R9ight Obn T9ime Shne's Ri9ght Onb Ti9me Sbe's Rlght Tlme Sbhe's Rlight Tlime Shbe's Rilght Tilme
Sge's Roght Tome Sghe's Roight Toime Shge's Rioght Tiome Sye's Rkght Tkme Syhe's Rkight Tkime Shye's Rikght Tikme
Shee's R8ght T8me Sh's R8ight T8ime Sh'es Ri8ght Ti8me Shs's Rught Tume Shse's Ruight Tuime Shes's Riught Tiume
Sh3's Rigght Timme Sh3e's Riht Tie She3's Rihgt Tiem Shf's Rihht Tije Shfe's Rihght Shef's Righht Timje

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