Billy Joel
Got To Begin Again

Well so here I am at the end of the road
Where do I go from here?
I always figured it would be like this
Still nothing seems to be quite clear

All the words have been spoken and the prophecy fulfilled
But I just can't decide where to go
Yes, it's been quite a day and I should go to sleep
But tomorrow I will wake up and I'll know

That I've got to begin again
Though I don't know how start
Yes, I've got to begin again
And it's hard

Well it's been quite a while since I lifted my head
And I'm sure the light will hurt my eyes
I see the way that I been spendin' my days
And reality has caught me by surprise

I was dreamin' of tomorrow so I sacrificed today
And it sure was a grand waste of time
And despite all the truth that's been thrown in my face
I just can't get you out of my mind

That I've got to begin again
Though I don't know how start
Yes, I've got to begin again
And it's hard

Mirror lyrics:

And it's hard
Yes, I've got to begin again
Though I don't know how start
That I've got to begin again

I just can't get you out of my mind
And despite all the truth that's been thrown in my face
And it sure was a grand waste of time
I was dreamin' of tomorrow so I sacrificed today

And reality has caught me by surprise
I see the way that I been spendin' my days
And I'm sure the light will hurt my eyes
Well it's been quite a while since I lifted my head

And it's hard
Yes, I've got to begin again
Though I don't know how start
That I've got to begin again

But tomorrow I will wake up and I'll know
Yes, it's been quite a day and I should go to sleep
But I just can't decide where to go
All the words have been spoken and the prophecy fulfilled

Still nothing seems to be quite clear
I always figured it would be like this
Where do I go from here?
Well so here I am at the end of the road

Relevant Tags:
GGot TTo BBegin AAgain ot o egin gain oGt oT eBgin gAain hot fo vegin zgain hGot fTo vBegin zAgain Ghot Tfo Bvegin Azgain
yot 5o gegin qgain yGot 5To gBegin qAgain Gyot T5o Bgegin Aqgain bot ho negin sgain bGot hTo nBegin sAgain Gbot Tho Bnegin Asgain
vot yo hegin wgain vGot yTo hBegin wAgain Gvot Tyo Bhegin Awgain fot 6o Beegin xgain fGot 6To Bgin xAgain Gfot T6o Bgein Axgain
tot go Bsgin Aggain tGot gTo Bsegin Aain Gtot Tgo Besgin Aagin Goot ro B3gin Ahain Gt rTo B3egin Ahgain Gto Tro Be3gin Aghain
Gkt Too Bfgin Ayain Gkot T Bfegin Aygain Gokt To Befgin Agyain G9t Tk Brgin Abain G9ot Tko Bregin Abgain Go9t Tok Bergin Agbain
G0t T9 B4gin Avain G0ot T9o B4egin Avgain Go0t To9 Be4gin Agvain Glt T0 Bdgin Afain Glot T0o Bdegin Afgain Golt To0 Bedgin Agfain
Git Tl Bwgin Atain Giot Tlo Bwegin Atgain Goit Tol Bewgin Agtain Gott Ti Beggin Agaain Go Tio Bein Agin Got Toi Beign Agian
Gof Behin Agzin Goft Behgin Agzain Gotf Beghin Agazin Go5 Beyin Agqin Go5t Beygin Agqain Got5 Begyin Agaqin
Goh Bebin Agsin

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