Billy Idol
To Be A Lover [live Storytellers]

Have I told you
Lately that I love you
If I din't, darlin',
You see, I'm so sorry
Didn't I reach out
And hold you
In these lovin' arms
Well, if I didn't, oh baby.
Well, I'm so sorry

When I realized that you need love too,
Gonna spend my life makin' love to you.
Got to be a lover.
Have mercy.
Forgot to be a lover, babe. (Have mercy)
Forgot to be a lover. (Have mercy)
Forgot to be a lover.
Make it on through to you somehow. (Have mercy, baby)
Got to be a lover, babe. (Forgot to be a lover)
Woo! Woo!

Well, did I ask you,
Yes, would you come and share,
Oh, share,
Oh, the burden and the task
That's at love's command
Didn't I say
All those lovin' special things
That you long to hear
To show how much I care

Well, when I realize
That you need love too,
Gonna spend my life
Makin' love to you
Forgot to be a lover,
Have mercy

Well, well I worked all day
Hard as I can
Worked all night, didn't make me a man.
(Forgot to be a lover)
Have mercy, Oo,

When I realized
That you need love too,
Gonna spend my life
Makin' love to you. (Forgot to be a lover)
Got to be a lover, babe.
Oo, mercy. (Have mercy)
Have mercy, baby. (Have mercy, baby)

I'm gonna make it on through
To you somehow,
So have mercy. (Have mercy, have mercy, baby)

Have I told you,
Yes, lately that I love you
If I didn't, oh baby,
Yes, I'm so sorry.
Ah, but you know I really love you, baby.(Love you baby)
I really love you baby (Love you baby)
I really need you baby (Need you baby)
I really want you baby (Want you baby)

When I realized,
That you need love too,
I'm gonna spend my life
Makin' love,
Makin' love,
Makin' love to you
Well, I worked all day
As hard as I can,
Worked all night,
It didn't make me a man, babe.
(Forgot to be a lover) (Have mercy)
Oo, have mercy baby (Have mercy)
Have mercy baby (Have mercy)
Oo, have mercy baby (Have mercy baby)
Oo, make it through.

Well, when I realized that you need love too,
I'm gonna spend my life,
Gotta spend my life makin' love to you

Mirror lyrics:

Gotta spend my life makin' love to you
I'm gonna spend my life,
Well, when I realized that you need love too,

Oo, make it through.
Oo, have mercy baby (Have mercy baby)
Have mercy baby (Have mercy)
Oo, have mercy baby (Have mercy)
(Forgot to be a lover) (Have mercy)
It didn't make me a man, babe.
Worked all night,
As hard as I can,
Well, I worked all day
Makin' love to you
Makin' love,
Makin' love,
I'm gonna spend my life
That you need love too,
When I realized,

I really want you baby (Want you baby)
I really need you baby (Need you baby)
I really love you baby (Love you baby)
Ah, but you know I really love you, baby.(Love you baby)
Yes, I'm so sorry.
If I didn't, oh baby,
Yes, lately that I love you
Have I told you,

So have mercy. (Have mercy, have mercy, baby)
To you somehow,
I'm gonna make it on through

Have mercy, baby. (Have mercy, baby)
Oo, mercy. (Have mercy)
Got to be a lover, babe.
Makin' love to you. (Forgot to be a lover)
Gonna spend my life
That you need love too,
When I realized

Have mercy, Oo,
(Forgot to be a lover)
Worked all night, didn't make me a man.
Hard as I can
Well, well I worked all day

Have mercy
Forgot to be a lover,
Makin' love to you
Gonna spend my life
That you need love too,
Well, when I realize

To show how much I care
That you long to hear
All those lovin' special things
Didn't I say
That's at love's command
Oh, the burden and the task
Oh, share,
Yes, would you come and share,
Well, did I ask you,

Woo! Woo!
Got to be a lover, babe. (Forgot to be a lover)
Make it on through to you somehow. (Have mercy, baby)
Forgot to be a lover.
Forgot to be a lover. (Have mercy)
Forgot to be a lover, babe. (Have mercy)
Have mercy.
Got to be a lover.
Gonna spend my life makin' love to you.
When I realized that you need love too,

Well, I'm so sorry
Well, if I didn't, oh baby.
In these lovin' arms
And hold you
Didn't I reach out
You see, I'm so sorry
If I din't, darlin',
Lately that I love you
Have I told you

Relevant Tags:
TTo BBe AA LLover [[live SStorytellers] o e over live torytellers] oT eB A oLver l[ive tSorytellers] fo ve z kover [llive ztorytellers] fTo vBe zA kLover [ive zStorytellers]
Tfo Bve Az Lkover [ilve Sztorytellers] 5o ge q oover [kive wtorytellers] 5To gBe qA oLover [klive wStorytellers] T5o Bge Aq Loover [lkive Swtorytellers] ho ne s pover [oive dtorytellers]
hTo nBe sA pLover [olive dStorytellers] Tho Bne As Lpover [loive Sdtorytellers] yo he w [pive etorytellers] yTo hBe wA Lver [plive eStorytellers] Tyo Bhe Aw Lvoer [lpive Setorytellers]
6o Bee x Lkver [liive xtorytellers] 6To B xA [lve xStorytellers] T6o Be Ax Lokver [lvie Sxtorytellers] go Bs L9ver [ljve atorytellers] gTo Bse L9over [ljive aStorytellers]
Tgo Bes Lo9ver [lijve Satorytellers] ro B3 L0ver [l9ve Sttorytellers] rTo B3e L0over [l9ive Sorytellers] Tro Be3 Lo0ver [li9ve Sotrytellers] Too Bf Llver [llve Sforytellers]
T Bfe Llover Sftorytellers] To Bef Lolver [lilve Stforytellers] Tk Br Liver [love S5orytellers] Tko Bre Liover S5torytellers] Tok Ber Loiver [liove St5orytellers]
T9 B4 Lovver [lkve Shorytellers] T9o B4e Loer Shtorytellers] To9 Be4 Loevr [likve Sthorytellers] T0 Bd Lober [l8ve Syorytellers] T0o Bde Lobver [l8ive Sytorytellers]
To0 Bed Lovber [li8ve Styorytellers] Tl Bw Locer [luve S6orytellers] Tlo Bwe Locver [luive S6torytellers] Tol Bew Lovcer [liuve St6orytellers] Ti Loger [livve Sgorytellers]
Tio Logver [lie Sgtorytellers] Toi Lovger [liev Stgorytellers] Lofer [libe Srorytellers] Lofver [libve Srtorytellers] Lovfer [livbe Strorytellers]
Loveer [lice Stoorytellers] Lovr [licve Strytellers] Lovre [livce Stroytellers] Lovsr [lige Stkrytellers] Lovser [ligve Stkorytellers]
Lovesr [livge Stokrytellers] Lov3r [life St9rytellers] Lov3er [lifve St9orytellers] Love3r [livfe Sto9rytellers] Lovfr [livee St0rytellers]
[liv St0orytellers] Lovefr [live Sto0rytellers] Lovrr [livs Stlrytellers] Lovrer [livse Stlorytellers] Loverr [lives Stolrytellers]
Lov4r [liv3 Stirytellers] Lov4er [liv3e Stiorytellers] Love4r [live3 Stoirytellers] Lovdr [livf Storrytellers] Lovder Stoytellers]
Lovedr [livef Stoyrtellers] Lovwr [livr Stodytellers] Lovwer [livre Stodrytellers] Lovewr [liver Stordytellers] [liv4 Sto4ytellers]
Love [liv4e Sto4rytellers] Lover [live4 Stor4ytellers] Loved [livd Stogytellers] [livde Stogrytellers] Loverd [lived Storgytellers]
Love4 [livw Stotytellers] [livwe Stotrytellers] Lover4 [livew Stortytellers] Loveg Sto5ytellers] Lovegr Sto5rytellers]
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