Billy Idol
Mark Of Caine

And I'm lonely
Here y'know the living
If you forget
The power to love
"Don't give up" (x2)
See you once again
If only to put
Don't hold back
The power to love
From the pluck of the lyre
In the arms of desire
And a fine day
When we first came ashore
Sure what I was looking for
Tracks of my mind
Seemed a lot more of a curse
To make matters worse
So lonely for you
Baby yeah
Oh if I should
See you once again
My lips to yours
The power to love
And don't hold back
Don't hold back ah yeah
From the pluck of the lyre
And the tracks of my mind
Seemed more like a curse baby
I saw or swore I could see
With my own two eyes
Your lying eyes
Yes right there and then
A lot more of a curs
Oh lonely for you
So lonely for you
Baby yeah
Baby yeah
And the tracks of my mind
The tracks of my mind
Seemed more like a curse baby
Baby yeah
So lonely for you
So lonely for you
Baby yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Baby yeah
So lonely for you
So lonely for you
Baby yeah
Seemed more like a curse baby
The tracks of my mind
And the tracks of my mind
Baby yeah
Baby yeah
So lonely for you
Oh lonely for you
A lot more of a curs
Yes right there and then
Your lying eyes
With my own two eyes
I saw or swore I could see
Seemed more like a curse baby
And the tracks of my mind
From the pluck of the lyre
Don't hold back ah yeah
And don't hold back
The power to love
My lips to yours
See you once again
Oh if I should
Baby yeah
So lonely for you
To make matters worse
Seemed a lot more of a curse
Tracks of my mind
Sure what I was looking for
When we first came ashore
And a fine day
In the arms of desire
From the pluck of the lyre
The power to love
Don't hold back
If only to put
See you once again
"Don't give up" (x2)
The power to love
If you forget
Here y'know the living
And I'm lonely

Relevant Tags:
MMark OOf CCaine ark f aine aMrk fO aCine jark kf faine jMark kOf fCaine Mjark Okf Cfaine kark 9f xaine kMark 9Of xCaine Mkark O9f Cxaine
nark 0f vaine nMark 0Of vCaine Mnark O0f Cvaine Maark lf daine Mrk lOf dCaine Mrak Olf Cdaine Mzrk if Caaine Mzark iOf Cine Mazrk Oif Ciane
Mqrk Off Czine Mqark O Czaine Maqrk Of Cazine Msrk Oc Cqine Msark Ocf Cqaine Masrk Ofc Caqine Mwrk Or Csine Mwark Orf Csaine Mawrk Ofr Casine
Mxrk Og Cwine Mxark Ogf Cwaine Maxrk Ofg Cawine Marrk Ot Cxine Mak Otf Makr Oft Caxine Madk Ov Caiine Madrk Ovf Cane Mardk Ofv Canie
Ma4k Od Cajne Ma4rk Odf Cajine Mar4k Ofd Caijne Magk Ca9ne Magrk Ca9ine Margk Cai9ne Matk Calne Matrk Caline Martk Cailne
Ma5k Caone Ma5rk Caoine

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