Billy Idol
(do Not) Stand In The Shadow

Hearts which beat to a precise beat
Fading shadows on the wall
We'll cut our cards
Drive out bars
All for one, one for all.

Like teenage heat
And carnival cheats
With your heart on your sleeve
Well you know you wanna run
You won't hide
And you jump like a son of a gun

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Oh alone and lonely
Watching people on my wall
Well Mama and Dadda thought they had me fooled
I was thinking not at all
Well I got out
Not gonna stand
In the dark without a light
Forgetting love if you believe that chance
Sit and wait
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

And now the judge is down feeling
all around yeah
Lifting to a blast this sound
No preachers, teachers
Pick our minds
To the sounds of false alarm
They're here today
And they hear you say
You're alive and you're living with me
So don't try to hide
And don't try to die
In the dark of the night

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
In the shadows, in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Mirror lyrics:

Do not stand in the shadows
In the shadows, in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

In the dark of the night
And don't try to die
So don't try to hide
You're alive and you're living with me
And they hear you say
They're here today
To the sounds of false alarm
Pick our minds
No preachers, teachers
Lifting to a blast this sound
all around yeah
And now the judge is down feeling

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

Do not stand in the shadows
in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Sit and wait
Forgetting love if you believe that chance
In the dark without a light
Not gonna stand
Well I got out
I was thinking not at all
Well Mama and Dadda thought they had me fooled
Watching people on my wall
Oh alone and lonely

Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows
Do not stand in the shadows

And you jump like a son of a gun
You won't hide
Well you know you wanna run
With your heart on your sleeve
And carnival cheats
Like teenage heat

All for one, one for all.
Drive out bars
We'll cut our cards
Fading shadows on the wall
Hearts which beat to a precise beat

Relevant Tags:
((do NNot) SStand IIn TThe SShadow do ot) tand n he hadow d(o oNt) tSand nI hTe hSadow (ddo mot) ztand jn fhe zhadow (o mNot) zStand jIn fThe zShadow
(od Nmot) Sztand Ijn Tfhe Szhadow (xo hot) wtand 9n 5he whadow (xdo hNot) wStand 9In 5The wShadow (dxo Nhot) Swtand I9n T5he Swhadow (eo jot) dtand ln hhe dhadow
(edo jNot) dStand lIn hThe dShadow (deo Njot) Sdtand Iln Thhe Sdhadow (fo bot) etand on yhe ehadow (fdo bNot) eStand oIn yThe eShadow (dfo Nbot) Setand Ion Tyhe Sehadow
(ro Noot) xtand kn 6he xhadow (rdo Nt) xStand kIn 6The xShadow (dro Nto) Sxtand Ikn T6he Sxhadow (co Nkt) atand 8n ghe ahadow (cdo Nkot) aStand 8In gThe aShadow
(dco Nokt) Satand I8n Tghe Sahadow (so N9t) Sttand un rhe Shhadow (sdo N9ot) Sand uIn rThe Sadow (dso No9t) Satnd Iun Trhe Sahdow (doo N0t) Sfand Inn Sjadow
(d N0ot) Sftand I Te Sjhadow (do No0t) Stfand In Teh Shjadow (dk Nlt) S5and Im Tje Suadow (dko Nlot) S5tand Imn Tjhe Suhadow (dok Nolt) St5and Inm Thje Shuadow
(d9 Nit) Shand Ih Tue Snadow (d9o Niot) Shtand Ihn Tuhe Snhadow (do9 Noit) Sthand Inh Thue Shnadow (d0 Nott) Syand Ij Tne Sbadow (d0o No) Sytand Tnhe Sbhadow
(do0 No)t Styand Inj Thne Shbadow (dl Nof) S6and Ib Tbe Sgadow (dlo Noft) S6tand Ibn Tbhe Sghadow (dol Notf) St6and Inb Thbe Shgadow (di No5) Sgand Tge Syadow
(dio No5t) Sgtand Syhadow (doi Not5) Stgand Thge Shyadow Noh) Srand Tye Shaadow Noht) Srtand Shdow Noth) Strand Thye Shdaow
Noy) Staand Thee Shzdow Noyt) Stnd Th Shzadow Noty) Stnad The Shazdow No6) Stznd Ths Shqdow No6t) Stzand Thse Shqadow
Not6) Staznd Thes Shaqdow Nog) Stqnd Th3 Shsdow Nogt) Stqand Th3e Shsadow Notg) Staqnd The3 Shasdow Nor) Stsnd Thf Shwdow
Nort) Stsand Thfe Shwadow Notr) Stasnd Thef Shawdow Not)) Stwnd Thr Shxdow Not Stwand Thre Shxadow Not) Stawnd Ther Shaxdow
Stxnd Th4 Shaddow

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