Bill Withers
Kissing My Love

Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
Yeah thump a thumping in my head

Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
I close my eyes and see a pretty city
With a million flowers babe

Now I can hear the angels sing
Songs that only angels sing
She's such a pretty thing
That I can feel my heart
Just a thumping and a skipping
When I'm kissing my love

Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
Feel the blood a pumping in my veins
Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
She's such a tender sender
With her sweet young friends

She's so good at what she does
All she wants to do is kiss and hug
She's got me in love
And I can feel my heart
Just a thumping and a skipping
When I'm kissing my love

Put your foot on the rock and pat your foot,
Don't stop, put your foot on the rock

Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
Feel the blood a pumping in my veins
Whoa now
When I'm kissing my love
She's such a tender sender
With her sweet young friends

Whoa now

She's so good at what she does
All she wants to do is kiss and hug
She's got me in love
And I can feel my heart
Just a thumping and a skipping
When I'm kissing my love


Mirror lyrics:


When I'm kissing my love
Just a thumping and a skipping
And I can feel my heart
She's got me in love
All she wants to do is kiss and hug
She's so good at what she does

Whoa now

With her sweet young friends
She's such a tender sender
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now
Feel the blood a pumping in my veins
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now

Don't stop, put your foot on the rock
Put your foot on the rock and pat your foot,

When I'm kissing my love
Just a thumping and a skipping
And I can feel my heart
She's got me in love
All she wants to do is kiss and hug
She's so good at what she does

With her sweet young friends
She's such a tender sender
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now
Feel the blood a pumping in my veins
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now

When I'm kissing my love
Just a thumping and a skipping
That I can feel my heart
She's such a pretty thing
Songs that only angels sing
Now I can hear the angels sing

With a million flowers babe
I close my eyes and see a pretty city
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now

Yeah thump a thumping in my head
When I'm kissing my love
Whoa now

Relevant Tags:
KKissing MMy LLove issing y ove iKssing yM oLve lissing jy kove lKissing jMy kLove Klissing Mjy Lkove oissing ky oove
oKissing kMy oLove Koissing Mky Loove missing ny pove mKissing nMy pLove Kmissing Mny Lpove jissing Myy jKissing M Lve
Kjissing My Lvoe iissing Mg Lkve iKissing Mgy Kiissing Myg Lokve Mh L9ve Kssing Mhy L9ove Ksising Myh Lo9ve
Kjssing M6 L0ve M6y L0ove Kijssing My6 Lo0ve K9ssing Mu Llve K9issing Muy Llove Ki9ssing Myu Lolve Klssing M7 Live
M7y Liove Kilssing My7 Loive Kossing Mj Lovve Loe Kiossing Myj Loev Kkssing Mt Lobe Kkissing Mty Lobve
Kikssing Myt Lovbe K8ssing Loce K8issing Locve Ki8ssing Lovce Kussing Loge Kuissing Logve Kiussing Lovge
Kisssing Lofe Kising Lofve Kissing Lovfe Kizsing Lovee Kizssing Lov Kiszsing Love Kiwsing Lovs
Kiwssing Lovse Kiswsing Loves Kidsing Lov3 Kidssing Lov3e Kisdsing Love3 Kiesing Lovf Kiessing
Kisesing Lovef Kixsing Lovr Kixssing Lovre Kisxsing Lover Kiasing Lov4 Kiassing Lov4e Kisasing Love4

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