Bill Monroe
What Would You Give In Exchange

Brother afar from The Savior today

Risking your soul for the things that decay

Oh if today God should call you away

What would you give in exchange for your soul


What would you give (in exchange)

What would you give (in exchange)

What would you give in exchange for your soul

Oh if today God should call you away

What would you give in exchange for your soul

Mercy is calling you won't you give heed

Must the Dear Savior still tenderly plead

Risk not your soul it is precious indeed

What would you give in exchange for your soul


More than all silver and gold of this earth

More than all jewels the spirit is worth

God The Creator has given it birth

What would you give in exchange for your soul


Mirror lyrics:


What would you give in exchange for your soul

God The Creator has given it birth

More than all jewels the spirit is worth

More than all silver and gold of this earth


What would you give in exchange for your soul

Risk not your soul it is precious indeed

Must the Dear Savior still tenderly plead

Mercy is calling you won't you give heed

What would you give in exchange for your soul

Oh if today God should call you away

What would you give in exchange for your soul

What would you give (in exchange)

What would you give (in exchange)


What would you give in exchange for your soul

Oh if today God should call you away

Risking your soul for the things that decay

Brother afar from The Savior today

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WWhat WWould YYou GGive IIn EExchange hat ould ou ive n xchange hWat oWuld oYu iGve nI xEchange ahat aould gou hive jn sxchange aWhat aWould gYou hGive jIn sExchange
Wahat Waould Ygou Ghive Ijn Esxchange 3hat 3ould hou yive 9n 3xchange 3What 3Would hYou yGive 9In 3Exchange W3hat W3ould Yhou Gyive I9n E3xchange dhat dould 6ou bive ln fxchange
dWhat dWould 6You bGive lIn fExchange Wdhat Wdould Y6ou Gbive Iln Efxchange ehat eould uou vive on rxchange eWhat eWould uYou vGive oIn rExchange Wehat Weould Yuou Gvive Ion Erxchange
shat sould 7ou five kn 4xchange sWhat sWould 7You fGive kIn 4Exchange Wshat Wsould Y7ou Gfive Ikn E4xchange 2hat 2ould jou tive 8n dxchange 2What 2Would jYou tGive 8In dExchange
W2hat W2ould Yjou Gtive I8n Edxchange qhat qould tou Giive un wxchange qWhat qWould tYou Gve uIn wExchange Wqhat Wqould Ytou Gvie Iun Ewxchange Whhat Woould Yoou Gjve Inn Exxchange
Wat Wuld Yu Gjive I Echange Waht Wuold Yuo Gijve In Ecxhange Wjat Wkuld Yku G9ve Im Edchange Wjhat Wkould Ykou G9ive Imn Whjat Wokuld Yoku Gi9ve Inm Exdchange
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Whnat Wo0uld Yo0u Giove Inj Excchange Wbat Wluld Ylu Gkve Ib Eschange Wbhat Wlould Ylou Gkive Ibn Whbat Woluld Yolu Gikve Inb Exschange Wgat Wiuld Yiu G8ve
Wghat Wiould Yiou G8ive Exhange Whgat Woiuld Yoiu Gi8ve Exhcange Wyat Wouuld Youu Guve Exfhange Wyhat Wold Yo Guive Exfchange Whyat Wolud You Giuve Excfhange
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