Billie Piper
Day & Night

All of the day, all of the night
You do the things that make me feel so right
My shining star, my guiding light (My shining light)
And that's the day and night, babe

Verse 1:
It just ain't the same when you're away
You are my inspiration
I'm hanging on to every word you say
'Cos you are my motivation
You make me feel so right
Every day and night

'Cos the only time I think of you
Is every day and all night th"R"ough
Whenever I breathe you're on my mind
Every day and night, babe


Verse 2:
I need you tonight, but you're not around
I need to hear your voice, baby
Something feels strange, there's not a single sound
I wish you were at my door, babe
You make me feel so right
Every day and night



Verse 3:
Gotta let me know, oh yeah
When you're comin' home (When you're coming home)
You know you make me feel so right, every day and night



Mirror lyrics:



You know you make me feel so right, every day and night
When you're comin' home (When you're coming home)
Gotta let me know, oh yeah
Verse 3:



Every day and night
You make me feel so right
I wish you were at my door, babe
Something feels strange, there's not a single sound
I need to hear your voice, baby
I need you tonight, but you're not around
Verse 2:


Every day and night, babe
Whenever I breathe you're on my mind
Is every day and all night th"R"ough
'Cos the only time I think of you

Every day and night
You make me feel so right
'Cos you are my motivation
I'm hanging on to every word you say
You are my inspiration
It just ain't the same when you're away
Verse 1:

And that's the day and night, babe
My shining star, my guiding light (My shining light)
You do the things that make me feel so right
All of the day, all of the night

Relevant Tags:
DDay && NNight ay ight aDy & iNght xay might xDay mNight Dxay Nmight eay hight eDay hNight Deay Nhight fay jight
fDay jNight Dfay Njight ray bight rDay bNight Dray Nbight cay Niight cDay Nght Dcay Ngiht say Njght sDay
Dsay Nijght Daay N9ght Dy N9ight Dya Ni9ght Dzy Nlght Dzay Nlight Dazy Nilght Dqy Noght Dqay Noight Daqy Nioght
Dsy Nkght Nkight Dasy Nikght Dwy N8ght Dway N8ight Dawy Ni8ght Dxy Nught Nuight Daxy Niught Dayy Nigght
Da Niht Day Nihgt Dag Nihht Dagy Nihght Dayg Nighht Dah Niyht Dahy Niyght Dayh Nigyht Da6 Nibht

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