Billie Holiday
I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm

The snow is snowin'
The wind is blowin'
But I can weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm

I can't remember
A worst December
Just watch those icicles form
What do I care if icicles form
I've got my love to keep me warm

Off with my overcoat
Off with my gloves
I need no overcoat
I'm burning with love
My heart's on fire
The flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm


My heart's on fire
The flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm

Mirror lyrics:

I've got my love to keep me warm
What do I care how much it may storm
So I will weather the storm
The flame grows higher
My heart's on fire


I've got my love to keep me warm
What do I care how much it may storm
So I will weather the storm
The flame grows higher
My heart's on fire
I'm burning with love
I need no overcoat
Off with my gloves
Off with my overcoat

I've got my love to keep me warm
What do I care if icicles form
Just watch those icicles form
A worst December
I can't remember

I've got my love to keep me warm
What do I care how much it may storm
But I can weather the storm
The wind is blowin'
The snow is snowin'

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot MMy LLove TTo KKeep MMe WWarm 've ot y ove o eep e arm 'Ive oGt yM oLve oT eKep eM aWrm j've hot jy kove fo leep je aarm jI've hGot jMy kLove fTo lKeep jMe aWarm
Ij've Ghot Mjy Lkove Tfo Kleep Mje Waarm 9've yot ky oove 5o oeep ke 3arm 9I've yGot kMy oLove 5To oKeep kMe 3Warm I9've Gyot Mky Loove T5o Koeep Mke W3arm l've bot ny pove ho meep ne darm
lI've bGot nMy pLove hTo mKeep nMe dWarm Il've Gbot Mny Lpove Tho Kmeep Mne Wdarm o've vot Myy yo jeep Mee earm oI've vGot M Lve yTo jKeep M eWarm Io've Gvot My Lvoe Tyo Kjeep Me Wearm
k've fot Mg Lkve 6o ieep Ms sarm kI've fGot Mgy 6To iKeep Mse sWarm Ik've Gfot Myg Lokve T6o Kieep Mes Wsarm 8've tot Mh L9ve go Keeep M3 2arm 8I've tGot Mhy L9ove gTo Kep M3e 2Warm
I8've Gtot Myh Lo9ve Tgo Keep Me3 W2arm u've Goot M6 L0ve ro Ksep Mf qarm uI've Gt M6y L0ove rTo Kseep Mfe qWarm Iu've Gto My6 Lo0ve Tro Kesep Mef Wqarm I''ve Gkt Mu Llve Too K3ep Mr
Ive Gkot Muy Llove T K3eep Mre Wrm Iv'e Gokt Myu Lolve To Ke3ep Mer Wram I'vve G9t M7 Live Tk Kfep M4 Wzrm I'e G9ot M7y Liove Tko Kfeep M4e Wzarm I'ev Go9t My7 Loive Tok Kefep Me4 Wazrm
I'be G0t Mj Lovve T9 Krep Md Wqrm I'bve G0ot Loe T9o Kreep Mde I'vbe Go0t Myj Loev To9 Kerep Med Waqrm I'ce Glt Mt Lobe T0 K4ep Mw Wsrm I'cve Glot Mty Lobve T0o K4eep Mwe
I'vce Golt Myt Lovbe To0 Ke4ep Mew Wasrm I'ge Git Loce Tl Kdep Wwrm I'gve Giot Locve Tlo Kdeep Wwarm

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