Billy Dean
I Wanna Take Care Of You

I know you can make it in this world on your own
But I wanna take care of you
The woman within may think that it's wrong
But I wanna take care of you

I'll show you the love of a man that knows how
To hold you without holding you down
It's not a sign of weakness to let me be strong
I wanna take care of you

I'll carry the weight of your world on my shoulder
I wanna take care of you
In the prime of our years till time ticks us older
I wanna take care of you

I'll be your rope when that mountain's too steep
Be your hope when the water's too deep
I'll share my blanket when trouble winds turn colder
I wanna take care of you

I've got nothin' to prove but the way that I feel
It's love but it's so much more
For once in my life I know what I am living for

When the good Lord takes you He better take me too
So I can take care of you
When the good Lord takes you He better take me too
So I can take care of you

Mirror lyrics:

So I can take care of you
When the good Lord takes you He better take me too
So I can take care of you
When the good Lord takes you He better take me too

For once in my life I know what I am living for
It's love but it's so much more
I've got nothin' to prove but the way that I feel

I wanna take care of you
I'll share my blanket when trouble winds turn colder
Be your hope when the water's too deep
I'll be your rope when that mountain's too steep

I wanna take care of you
In the prime of our years till time ticks us older
I wanna take care of you
I'll carry the weight of your world on my shoulder

I wanna take care of you
It's not a sign of weakness to let me be strong
To hold you without holding you down
I'll show you the love of a man that knows how

But I wanna take care of you
The woman within may think that it's wrong
But I wanna take care of you
I know you can make it in this world on your own

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna TTake CCare OOf YYou anna ake are f ou I aWnna aTke aCre fO oYu j aanna fake fare kf gou jI aWanna fTake fCare kOf gYou Ij Waanna Tfake Cfare Okf Ygou
9 3anna 5ake xare 9f hou 9I 3Wanna 5Take xCare 9Of hYou I9 W3anna T5ake Cxare O9f Yhou l danna hake vare 0f 6ou lI dWanna hTake vCare 0Of 6You Il Wdanna Thake Cvare O0f Y6ou
o eanna yake dare lf uou oI eWanna yTake dCare lOf uYou Io Weanna Tyake Cdare Olf Yuou k sanna 6ake Caare if 7ou kI sWanna 6Take Cre iOf 7You Ik Wsanna T6ake Crae Oif Y7ou
8 2anna gake Czre Off jou 8I 2Wanna gTake Czare O jYou I8 W2anna Tgake Cazre Of Yjou u qanna rake Cqre Oc tou uI qWanna rTake Cqare Ocf tYou Iu Wqanna Trake Caqre Ofc Ytou
Taake Csre Or Yoou Wnna Tke Csare Orf Yu Wnana Tkae Casre Ofr Yuo Wznna Tzke Cwre Og Yku Wzanna Tzake Cware Ogf Ykou Waznna Tazke Cawre Ofg Yoku
Wqnna Tqke Cxre Ot Y9u Tqake Otf Y9ou Waqnna Taqke Caxre Oft Yo9u Wsnna Tske Carre Ov Y0u Tsake Cae Ovf Y0ou Wasnna Taske Caer Ofv Yo0u
Wwnna Twke Cade Od Ylu Wwanna Twake Cadre Odf Ylou Wawnna Tawke Carde Ofd Yolu Wxnna Txke Ca4e Yiu Wxanna Txake Ca4re Yiou Waxnna Taxke Car4e Yoiu

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