Billy Dean
I Shoulda Listened

(Written by: Tom Shapiro, Ron Hellard)

I'm as lonely as it gets
Wish I could say I've no regrets
But I didn't realize back then
Just exactly what I had
Now I do and it's so sad
I miss you bad.

I shoulda listened
To the beating of my heart when I held you colse
To the words I said when I said
"I'll never let you go"
I shoulda listened
To the voice inside my head that said "It's love"
Now all I hear
Is the sound of falling tears
I shoulda listened.

My mind
Doesn't hesistate to say,
"You fool, you let her slip away"
But I just don't want to hear the truth
I try to cover my ears
But I'm coming in louder and clear
Wish I had when you were here.

I shoulda listened
To the beating of my heart when I held you colse
To the words I said when I said
"I'll never let you go"
I shoulda listened
To the voice inside my head that said "It's love"
Now all I hear
Is the sound of falling tears
I shoulda listened...

Mirror lyrics:

I shoulda listened...
Is the sound of falling tears
Now all I hear
To the voice inside my head that said "It's love"
I shoulda listened
"I'll never let you go"
To the words I said when I said
To the beating of my heart when I held you colse
I shoulda listened

Wish I had when you were here.
But I'm coming in louder and clear
I try to cover my ears
But I just don't want to hear the truth
"You fool, you let her slip away"
Doesn't hesistate to say,
My mind

I shoulda listened.
Is the sound of falling tears
Now all I hear
To the voice inside my head that said "It's love"
I shoulda listened
"I'll never let you go"
To the words I said when I said
To the beating of my heart when I held you colse
I shoulda listened

I miss you bad.
Now I do and it's so sad
Just exactly what I had
But I didn't realize back then
Wish I could say I've no regrets
I'm as lonely as it gets

(Written by: Tom Shapiro, Ron Hellard)

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II SShoulda LListened houlda istened I hSoulda iLstened j zhoulda kistened jI zShoulda kListened Ij Szhoulda Lkistened
9 whoulda oistened 9I wShoulda oListened I9 Swhoulda Loistened l dhoulda pistened lI dShoulda pListened Il Sdhoulda Lpistened
o ehoulda Liistened oI eShoulda Lstened Io Sehoulda Lsitened k xhoulda Ljstened kI xShoulda Ljistened Ik Sxhoulda Lijstened
8 ahoulda L9stened 8I aShoulda L9istened I8 Sahoulda Li9stened u Shhoulda Llstened uI Soulda Llistened Iu Sohulda Lilstened
Sjoulda Lostened Sjhoulda Shjoulda Liostened Suoulda Lkstened Suhoulda Shuoulda Likstened
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