Billy Currington
She Knows What To Do With A Saturday Night

She don't cook, she don't clean
She ain't ever found a knob on the washing machine
She don't iron, she don't sew
Says, "why waste time foldin' clothes?"

She ain't ever gonna get Mama's recipes right
But she knows what to do with a Saturday night

Hit every hot spot all around town
Turn it up, she'll tear it down
People rubber neckin', trying to see her dance
She got a belly button ring, and some low-rider pants

They call me lucky, I know that's right
She knows what to do with a Saturday night

She makes a mean margarita and a Singapore Sling
And if y'all are into Skynard, she sure can sing
She's gonna run the table, if you let her break
She might pop out of the top of a birthday cake

And that little black dress painted on tight
She knows what to do with a Saturday night

Hit every hot spot all around town
Turn it up, she'll tear it down
People rubber neckin', trying to see her dance
She got a belly button ring, and some low-rider pants

They call me lucky, I know that's right
She knows what to do with a Saturday night

We get home in the early a.m.
That's when all the real fun begins
Yeah, she holds me close and whispers in my ear
Every little sweet thing I wanna hear

Then she lights them candles and off go the lights
She knows what to do with a Saturday night

Yeah, they call me lucky, I know that's right
She knows what to do with a Saturday night

Saturday night, with a Saturday night
Saturday night

Mirror lyrics:

Saturday night
Saturday night, with a Saturday night

She knows what to do with a Saturday night
Yeah, they call me lucky, I know that's right

She knows what to do with a Saturday night
Then she lights them candles and off go the lights

Every little sweet thing I wanna hear
Yeah, she holds me close and whispers in my ear
That's when all the real fun begins
We get home in the early a.m.

She knows what to do with a Saturday night
They call me lucky, I know that's right

She got a belly button ring, and some low-rider pants
People rubber neckin', trying to see her dance
Turn it up, she'll tear it down
Hit every hot spot all around town

She knows what to do with a Saturday night
And that little black dress painted on tight

She might pop out of the top of a birthday cake
She's gonna run the table, if you let her break
And if y'all are into Skynard, she sure can sing
She makes a mean margarita and a Singapore Sling

She knows what to do with a Saturday night
They call me lucky, I know that's right

She got a belly button ring, and some low-rider pants
People rubber neckin', trying to see her dance
Turn it up, she'll tear it down
Hit every hot spot all around town

But she knows what to do with a Saturday night
She ain't ever gonna get Mama's recipes right

Says, "why waste time foldin' clothes?"
She don't iron, she don't sew
She ain't ever found a knob on the washing machine
She don't cook, she don't clean

Relevant Tags:
SShe KKnows WWhat TTo DDo WWith AA SSaturday NNight he nows hat o o ith aturday ight hSe nKows hWat oT oD iWth A aSturday iNght
zhe lnows ahat fo xo aith z zaturday might zShe lKnows aWhat fTo xDo aWith zA zSaturday mNight Szhe Klnows Wahat Tfo Dxo Waith Az Szaturday Nmight
whe onows 3hat 5o eo 3ith q waturday hight wShe oKnows 3What 5To eDo 3With qA wSaturday hNight Swhe Konows W3hat T5o Deo W3ith Aq Swaturday Nhight
dhe mnows dhat ho fo dith s daturday jight dShe mKnows dWhat hTo fDo dWith sA dSaturday jNight Sdhe Kmnows Wdhat Tho Dfo Wdith As Sdaturday Njight
ehe jnows ehat yo ro eith w eaturday bight eShe jKnows eWhat yTo rDo eWith wA eSaturday bNight Sehe Kjnows Wehat Tyo Dro Weith Aw Seaturday Nbight
xhe inows shat 6o co sith x xaturday Niight xShe iKnows sWhat 6To cDo sWith xA xSaturday Nght Sxhe Kinows Wshat T6o Dco Wsith Ax Sxaturday Ngiht
ahe Knnows 2hat go so 2ith aaturday Njght aShe Kows 2What gTo sDo 2With aSaturday Sahe Konws W2hat Tgo Dso W2ith Saaturday Nijght
Shhe Kmows qhat ro Doo qith N9ght Se qWhat rTo D qWith Sturday N9ight Seh Knmows Wqhat Tro Do Wqith Staurday Ni9ght
Sje Khows Whhat Too Dk Wiith Szturday Nlght Sjhe Khnows Wat T Dko Wth Nlight Shje Knhows Waht To Dok Wtih Sazturday Nilght
Sue Kjows Wjat Tk D9 Wjth Sqturday Noght Suhe Wjhat Tko D9o Wjith Sqaturday Noight Shue Knjows Whjat Tok Do9 Wijth Saqturday Nioght
Sne Kbows Wuat T9 D0 W9th Ssturday Nkght Snhe Kbnows Wuhat T9o D0o W9ith Ssaturday Nkight Shne Knbows Whuat To9 Do0 Wi9th Sasturday Nikght
Sbe Knoows Wnat T0 Dl Wlth Swturday N8ght Sbhe Knws Wnhat T0o Dlo Wlith N8ight Shbe Knwos Whnat To0 Dol Wilth Sawturday Ni8ght
Sge Knkws Wbat Tl Di Woth Sxturday Nught Sghe Knkows Wbhat Tlo Dio Woith Nuight Shge Knokws Whbat Tol Doi Wioth Saxturday Niught
Sye Kn9ws Wgat Ti Wkth Satturday Nigght Syhe Kn9ows Wghat Tio Wkith Saurday Niht Shye Kno9ws Whgat Toi Wikth Sautrday Nihgt
Shee Kn0ws Wyat W8th Safurday Nihht Sh Kn0ows Wyhat W8ith Safturday Nihght She Kno0ws Whyat Wi8th Satfurday Nighht
Shs Knlws Whaat Wuth Sa5urday Niyht Shse Knlows Wht Wuith Sa5turday Niyght Shes Knolws Whta Wiuth Sat5urday Nigyht
Sh3 Kniws Whzt Witth Sahurday Nibht Sh3e Kniows Whzat Wih Sahturday Nibght She3 Knoiws Whazt Wiht Sathurday Nigbht
Shf Knowws Whqt Wifh Sayurday Nivht Shfe Knos Whqat Wifth Sayturday Nivght Shef Knosw Whaqt Witfh Satyurday Nigvht
Shr Knoas Whst Wi5h Sa6urday Nifht Shre Knoaws Whsat Wi5th Sa6turday Nifght Sher Knowas Whast Wit5h Sat6urday Nigfht
Sh4 Kno3s Whwt Wihh Sagurday Nitht Sh4e Kno3ws Whwat Wihth Sagturday Nitght She4 Know3s Whawt Withh Satgurday Nigtht
Shd Knods Whxt Wiyh Sarurday Shde Knodws Whxat Wiyth Sarturday Nigt Shed Knowds Whaxt Wityh Satrurday Nigth
Shw Knoes Whatt Wi6h Satuurday Nigjt Shwe Knoews Wha Wi6th Satrday Nigjht Shew Knowes What Wit6h Satruday Nighjt
Knoss Whaf Wigh Sathrday Nigut Knosws Whaft Wigth Niguht Knowss Whatf Witgh Satuhrday Nighut
Kno2s Wha5 Wirh Sat7rday Nignt Kno2ws Wha5t Wirth Sat7urday Nignht Know2s What5 Witrh Satu7rday Nighnt
Knoqs Whah Satkrday Nigbt Knoqws Whaht Wit Satkurday Knowqs Whath With Satukrday Nighbt
Whay Witj Satirday Niggt Know Whayt Witjh Satiurday Knows Whaty Withj Satuirday Nighgt
Knowz Wha6 Witu Sat8rday Nigyt Knowzs Wha6t Wituh Sat8urday Knowsz What6 Withu Satu8rday Nighyt

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