Bill Monroe
I Wish I Was In The Southland Sitting In A Chair

I left my old home in the mountains

And the only friends I ever had

And while I rambled this world over

My heart felt so lonely and sad

I'm going back to the old home

Back to the place I love so well

Where the sweet waters flow and the wildflowers grow

Back to the old home on the hill

I know that dear old mother's waiting

Waiting alone on that hill

With the silver in her hair and a twinkle in her eye

In the old cabin home on the hill

Years have gone by since I saw her

IÃ''ve traveled many a mile

But tonight there's a light in the window

And she's waiting at the door with a smile

Mirror lyrics:

And she's waiting at the door with a smile

But tonight there's a light in the window

IÃ''ve traveled many a mile

Years have gone by since I saw her

In the old cabin home on the hill

With the silver in her hair and a twinkle in her eye

Waiting alone on that hill

I know that dear old mother's waiting

Back to the old home on the hill

Where the sweet waters flow and the wildflowers grow

Back to the place I love so well

I'm going back to the old home

My heart felt so lonely and sad

And while I rambled this world over

And the only friends I ever had

I left my old home in the mountains

Relevant Tags:
II WWish II WWas IIn TThe SSouthland SSitting IIn AA CChair ish as n he outhland itting n hair I iWsh I aWs nI hTe oSuthland iStting nI A hCair
j aish j aas jn fhe zouthland zitting jn z fhair jI aWish jI aWas jIn fThe zSouthland zSitting jIn zA fChair Ij Waish Ij Waas Ijn Tfhe Szouthland Szitting Ijn Az Cfhair
9 3ish 9 3as 9n 5he wouthland witting 9n q xhair 9I 3Wish 9I 3Was 9In 5The wSouthland wSitting 9In qA xChair I9 W3ish I9 W3as I9n T5he Swouthland Switting I9n Aq Cxhair
l dish l das ln hhe douthland ditting ln s vhair lI dWish lI dWas lIn hThe dSouthland dSitting lIn sA vChair Il Wdish Il Wdas Iln Thhe Sdouthland Sditting Iln As Cvhair
o eish o eas on yhe eouthland eitting on w dhair oI eWish oI eWas oIn yThe eSouthland eSitting oIn wA dChair Io Weish Io Weas Ion Tyhe Seouthland Seitting Ion Aw Cdhair
k sish k sas kn 6he xouthland xitting kn x Chhair kI sWish kI sWas kIn 6The xSouthland xSitting kIn xA Cair Ik Wsish Ik Wsas Ikn T6he Sxouthland Sxitting Ikn Ax Cahir
8 2ish 8 2as 8n ghe aouthland aitting 8n Cjair 8I 2Wish 8I 2Was 8In gThe aSouthland aSitting 8In Cjhair I8 W2ish I8 W2as I8n Tghe Saouthland Saitting I8n Chjair
u qish u qas un rhe Soouthland Siitting un Cuair uI qWish uI qWas uIn rThe Suthland Stting uIn Cuhair Iu Wqish Iu Wqas Iun Trhe Suothland Stiting Iun Chuair
Wiish Inn Skuthland Sjtting Inn Cnair Wsh Ws I Te Skouthland Sjitting I Cnhair Wsih Wsa In Teh Sokuthland Sijtting In Chnair
Wjsh Wzs Im Tje S9uthland S9tting Im Cbair Wjish Wzas Imn Tjhe S9outhland S9itting Imn Cbhair Wijsh Wazs Inm Thje So9uthland Si9tting Inm Chbair
W9sh Wqs Ih Tue S0uthland Sltting Ih Cgair W9ish Ihn Tuhe S0outhland Slitting Ihn Cghair Wi9sh Waqs Inh Thue So0uthland Siltting Inh Chgair
Wlsh Wss Ij Tne Sluthland Sotting Ij Cyair Wlish Tnhe Slouthland Soitting Cyhair Wilsh Wass Inj Thne Soluthland Siotting Inj Chyair
Wosh Wws Ib Tbe Siuthland Sktting Ib Chaair Woish Wwas Ibn Tbhe Siouthland Skitting Ibn Chir Wiosh Waws Inb Thbe Soiuthland Siktting Inb Chiar
Wksh Wxs Tge Souuthland S8tting Chzir Wkish Wxas Sothland S8itting Chzair Wiksh Waxs Thge Sotuhland Si8tting Chazir
W8sh Tye Sohthland Sutting Chqir W8ish Wa Sohuthland Suitting Chqair Wi8sh Was Thye Souhthland Siutting Chaqir
Wush Waz Thee So7thland Sittting Chsir Wuish Th So7uthland Siting Chsair Wiush Wasz The Sou7thland Sitting Chasir
Wissh Waw Ths Sokthland Sifting Chwir Wih Thse Siftting Chwair Wihs Wasw Thes Soukthland Sitfting Chawir
Wizh Wad Th3 Soithland Si5ting Chxir Wizsh Wads Th3e Si5tting Chxair Wiszh Wasd The3 Souithland Sit5ting Chaxir
Wiwh Wae Thf So8thland Sihting Chaiir Wiwsh Waes Thfe So8uthland Sihtting Char Wiswh Wase Thef Sou8thland Sithting Chari
Widh Wax Thr Sojthland Siyting Chajr Widsh Thre Sojuthland Siytting Chajir Wisdh Wasx Ther Soujthland Sityting Chaijr
Wieh Waa Th4 Soythland Si6ting Cha9r Wiesh Th4e Soyuthland Si6tting Cha9ir Wiseh Wasa The4 Souythland Sit6ting Chai9r
Wixh Thd Soutthland Sigting Chalr Wixsh Thde Souhland Sigtting Chalir Wisxh Thed Souhtland Sitgting Chailr
Wiah Thw Soufhland Sirting Chaor Wiash Thwe Soufthland Sirtting Chaoir Wisah Thew Soutfhland Sitrting Chaior
Wishh Sou5hland Chakr Wis Sou5thland Chakir Wish Sout5hland Sititng Chaikr
Wisj Souhhland Sitfing Cha8r Wisjh Cha8ir Wishj Southhland Sittfing Chai8r
Wisu Souyhland Sit5ing Chaur Wisuh Chauir Wishu Soutyhland Sitt5ing Chaiur
Wisn Sou6hland Sithing Chairr Wisnh Sou6thland Chai Wishn Sout6hland Sitthing Chair
Wisb Soughland Sitying Chaid Wisbh Sougthland Chaidr Wishb Soutghland Sittying Chaird

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