Bill Monroe
I'm Waiting At The Gate

I'm waiting at the gate looking for my ride

Soon to take me to my home on high

Angel bands a coming From the other side

I don't want to be late I'm waiting at the gate

I can hear the thunder the time's at hand

Joybells are ringing in the promised land

Jesus is a coming my soul to take

Yes my Lord sees me waiting at the gate

I'm a' leaving the world no more to do

All of my work on earth is through

I've fought the fight I've kept the faith

Well I'm ready to go I'm waiting at the gate

Mirror lyrics:

Well I'm ready to go I'm waiting at the gate

I've fought the fight I've kept the faith

All of my work on earth is through

I'm a' leaving the world no more to do

Yes my Lord sees me waiting at the gate

Jesus is a coming my soul to take

Joybells are ringing in the promised land

I can hear the thunder the time's at hand

I don't want to be late I'm waiting at the gate

Angel bands a coming From the other side

Soon to take me to my home on high

I'm waiting at the gate looking for my ride

Relevant Tags:
II'm WWaiting AAt TThe GGate 'm aiting t he ate 'Im aWiting tA hTe aGte j'm aaiting zt fhe hate jI'm aWaiting zAt fThe hGate Ij'm Waaiting Azt Tfhe Ghate
9'm 3aiting qt 5he yate 9I'm 3Waiting qAt 5The yGate I9'm W3aiting Aqt T5he Gyate l'm daiting st hhe bate lI'm dWaiting sAt hThe bGate Il'm Wdaiting Ast Thhe Gbate
o'm eaiting wt yhe vate oI'm eWaiting wAt yThe vGate Io'm Weaiting Awt Tyhe Gvate k'm saiting xt 6he fate kI'm sWaiting xAt 6The fGate Ik'm Wsaiting Axt T6he Gfate
8'm 2aiting Att ghe tate 8I'm 2Waiting A gThe tGate I8'm W2aiting At Tghe Gtate u'm qaiting Af rhe Gaate uI'm qWaiting Aft rThe Gte Iu'm Wqaiting Atf Trhe Gtae
I''m A5 Gzte Im Witing A5t Te Gzate Im' Wiating At5 Teh Gazte I'mm Wziting Ah Tje Gqte I' Wzaiting Aht Tjhe Gqate I'm Waziting Ath Thje Gaqte
I'j Wqiting Ay Tue Gste I'jm Ayt Tuhe Gsate I'mj Waqiting Aty Thue Gaste I'k Wsiting A6 Tne Gwte I'km A6t Tnhe Gwate I'mk Wasiting At6 Thne Gawte
I'n Wwiting Ag Tbe Gxte I'nm Wwaiting Agt Tbhe Gxate I'mn Wawiting Atg Thbe Gaxte Wxiting Ar Tge Gatte Wxaiting Art Gae Waxiting Atr Thge Gaet
Waiiting Tye Gafe Wating Gafte Watiing Thye Gatfe Wajting Thee Ga5e Wajiting Th Ga5te Waijting The Gat5e
Wa9ting Ths Gahe Wa9iting Thse Gahte Wai9ting Thes Gathe Walting Th3 Gaye Waliting Th3e Gayte Wailting The3 Gatye
Waoting Thf Ga6e Waoiting Thfe Ga6te Waioting Thef Gat6e Wakting Thr Gage Wakiting Thre Gagte Waikting Ther Gatge
Wa8ting Th4 Gare Wa8iting Th4e Garte Wai8ting The4 Gatre Wauting Thd Gatee Wauiting Thde Gat Waiuting Thed Gate
Waitting Thw Gats Waiing Thwe Gatse Waiitng Thew Gates Waifing Gat3 Waifting Gat3e Waitfing Gate3

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