Bill Monroe
I'm Sittin' On Top Of The World

I'm sitting on top of the world

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

And I'm quittin' the blues of the world

Just singin' a song, just singin' a song

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Just like humpty dumpty

I'm goin' to fall

And I'm sitting on top of the world

Just rollin' along, oh, rollin' along

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Just like humpty dumpty

I'm goin' to fall

And I'm sitting on top, top of the world

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Just like humpty dumpty

I'm goin' to fall

And I'm sitting on top, top of the world

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

Mirror lyrics:

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

And I'm sitting on top, top of the world

I'm goin' to fall

Just like humpty dumpty

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

And I'm sitting on top, top of the world

I'm goin' to fall

Just like humpty dumpty

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

Just rollin' along, oh, rollin' along

And I'm sitting on top of the world

I'm goin' to fall

Just like humpty dumpty

"Hey, Par, get ready to call"

Glory, Hallelujah, I just phoned the parson

Just singin' a song, just singin' a song

And I'm quittin' the blues of the world

Just rollin' along, just rollin' along

I'm sitting on top of the world

Relevant Tags:
II'm SSittin' OOn TTop OOf TThe WWorld 'm ittin' n op f he orld 'Im iSttin' nO oTp fO hTe oWrld j'm zittin' kn fop kf fhe aorld jI'm zSittin' kOn fTop kOf fThe aWorld
Ij'm Szittin' Okn Tfop Okf Tfhe Waorld 9'm wittin' 9n 5op 9f 5he 3orld 9I'm wSittin' 9On 5Top 9Of 5The 3World I9'm Swittin' O9n T5op O9f T5he W3orld l'm dittin' 0n hop 0f hhe dorld
lI'm dSittin' 0On hTop 0Of hThe dWorld Il'm Sdittin' O0n Thop O0f Thhe Wdorld o'm eittin' ln yop lf yhe eorld oI'm eSittin' lOn yTop lOf yThe eWorld Io'm Seittin' Oln Tyop Olf Tyhe Weorld
k'm xittin' in 6op if 6he sorld kI'm xSittin' iOn 6Top iOf 6The sWorld Ik'm Sxittin' Oin T6op Oif T6he Wsorld 8'm aittin' Onn gop Off ghe 2orld 8I'm aSittin' O gTop O gThe 2World
I8'm Saittin' On Tgop Of Tghe W2orld u'm Siittin' Om rop Oc rhe qorld uI'm Sttin' Omn rTop Ocf rThe qWorld Iu'm Stitin' Onm Trop Ofc Trhe Wqorld I''m Sjttin' Oh Toop Or Woorld
Im Sjittin' Ohn Tp Orf Te Wrld Im' Sijttin' Onh Tpo Ofr Teh Wrold I'mm S9ttin' Oj Tkp Og Tje Wkrld I' S9ittin' Ojn Tkop Ogf Tjhe Wkorld I'm Si9ttin' Onj Tokp Ofg Thje Wokrld
I'j Slttin' Ob T9p Ot Tue W9rld I'jm Slittin' Obn T9op Otf Tuhe W9orld I'mj Silttin' Onb To9p Oft Thue Wo9rld I'k Sottin' T0p Ov Tne W0rld I'km Soittin' T0op Ovf Tnhe W0orld
I'mk Siottin' To0p Ofv Thne Wo0rld I'n Skttin' Tlp Od Tbe Wlrld I'nm Skittin' Tlop Odf Tbhe Wlorld I'mn Sikttin' Tolp Ofd Thbe Wolrld S8ttin' Tip Tge Wirld
S8ittin' Tiop Wiorld Si8ttin' Toip Thge Woirld Suttin' Topp Tye Worrld Suittin' To Wold Siuttin' Top Thye Wolrd
Sitttin' To0 Thee Wodld Sitin' Th Wodrld Sittin' Top0 The Wordld Siftin' Tol Ths Wo4ld Sifttin' Thse Wo4rld
Sitftin' Topl Thes Wor4ld Si5tin' Too Th3 Wogld Si5ttin' Th3e Wogrld Sit5tin' Topo The3 Worgld Sihtin' Thf Wotld
Sihttin' Thfe Wotrld Sithtin' Thef Wortld Siytin' Thr Wo5ld Siyttin' Thre Wo5rld Sitytin' Ther Wor5ld
Si6tin' Th4 Wofld Si6ttin' Th4e Wofrld

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