Bill Miller
This Kind Of Love

You speak to me through a broken window
You are alive in an old oak tree
You hold me close when the winter wind blows
I hear your footsteps on the street

I feel your presence in the early mornin'
I dream of you in the darkest night
You call to me without a warning
I see your face in the fires light

This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love you cannot tame

You found a way through all my secrets
And made my proud defenses fall
This kind of love it knows no distance
This kind of love it knows no walls

This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love you cannot tame

This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love you cannot tame
This kind of love is without blame

Mirror lyrics:

This kind of love is without blame
This kind of love you cannot tame
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love you cannot hold

This kind of love you cannot tame
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love you cannot hold

This kind of love it knows no walls
This kind of love it knows no distance
And made my proud defenses fall
You found a way through all my secrets

This kind of love you cannot tame
This kind of love you cannot hold
This kind of love is never old
This kind of love it has no shame
This kind of love you cannot hold

I see your face in the fires light
You call to me without a warning
I dream of you in the darkest night
I feel your presence in the early mornin'

I hear your footsteps on the street
You hold me close when the winter wind blows
You are alive in an old oak tree
You speak to me through a broken window

Relevant Tags:
TThis KKind OOf LLove his ind f ove hTis iKnd fO oLve fhis lind kf kove fThis lKind kOf kLove Tfhis Klind Okf Lkove
5his oind 9f oove 5This oKind 9Of oLove T5his Koind O9f Loove hhis mind 0f pove hThis mKind 0Of pLove Thhis Kmind O0f Lpove
yhis jind lf yThis jKind lOf Lve Tyhis Kjind Olf Lvoe 6his iind if Lkve 6This iKind iOf T6his Kiind Oif Lokve
ghis Off L9ve gThis Knd O L9ove Tghis Knid Of Lo9ve rhis Kjnd Oc L0ve rThis Ocf L0ove Trhis Kijnd Ofc Lo0ve
K9nd Or Llve Tis K9ind Orf Llove Tihs Ki9nd Ofr Lolve Tjis Klnd Og Live Tjhis Ogf Liove Thjis Kilnd Ofg Loive
Tuis Kond Ot Lovve Tuhis Otf Loe Thuis Kiond Oft Loev Tnis Kknd Ov Lobe Tnhis Kkind Ovf Lobve Thnis Kiknd Ofv Lovbe
Tbis K8nd Od Loce Tbhis K8ind Odf Locve Thbis Ki8nd Ofd Lovce Tgis Kund Loge Kuind Logve Thgis Kiund Lovge
Tyis Kinnd Lofe

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