Bill Miller
River Of Time

I was lookin' back on faded dreams from yesturday
Like a brush from my past they painted the evening sky
But the currents so strong, I couldn't hold on
They kept rollin' by
And all the colors bled into a river of time

The innocent child fades into the mist on the river of time
An angry young man is shaking his fist on the river of time
Roll on river of time, rage on river of time

There are faces and places I hold sacred
Some I've passed along the way
Some live on in memory, some I've passed along the way
With the rain from a storm, a river is born
Winding down to the sea, and the river of time
Keeps on rollin' thru eternity

The angry young man learns how to forgive
On the river of time
He holds an innocent child in his arms
On the river of time
Roll on river of time
Rage on river of time

Mirror lyrics:

Rage on river of time
Roll on river of time
On the river of time
He holds an innocent child in his arms
On the river of time
The angry young man learns how to forgive

Keeps on rollin' thru eternity
Winding down to the sea, and the river of time
With the rain from a storm, a river is born
Some live on in memory, some I've passed along the way
Some I've passed along the way
There are faces and places I hold sacred

Roll on river of time, rage on river of time
An angry young man is shaking his fist on the river of time
The innocent child fades into the mist on the river of time

And all the colors bled into a river of time
They kept rollin' by
But the currents so strong, I couldn't hold on
Like a brush from my past they painted the evening sky
I was lookin' back on faded dreams from yesturday

Relevant Tags:
RRiver OOf TTime iver f ime iRver fO iTme diver kf fime dRiver kOf fTime Rdiver Okf Tfime 4iver 9f 5ime 4River 9Of 5Time R4iver O9f T5ime
giver 0f hime gRiver 0Of hTime Rgiver O0f Thime tiver lf yime tRiver lOf yTime Rtiver Olf Tyime 5iver if 6ime 5River iOf 6Time R5iver Oif T6ime
fiver Off gime fRiver O gTime Rfiver Of Tgime eiver Oc rime eRiver Ocf rTime Reiver Ofc Trime Riiver Or Tiime Rver Orf Tme Rvier Ofr Tmie
Rjver Og Tjme Rjiver Ogf Tjime Rijver Ofg Tijme R9ver Ot T9me R9iver Otf T9ime Ri9ver Oft Ti9me Rlver Ov Tlme Rliver Ovf Tlime Rilver Ofv Tilme
Rover Od Tome Roiver Odf Toime Riover Ofd Tiome Rkver Tkme Rkiver Tkime Rikver Tikme R8ver T8me R8iver T8ime Ri8ver Ti8me
Ruver Tume Ruiver Tuime Riuver Tiume Rivver Timme Rier Tie Rievr Tiem Riber Tije Ribver

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