Bill Anderson
You And Your Sweet Love

(Bill Anderson)

I wish you only knew
All the days I've made it through
Because of you and your sweet love
I wish that I could count the times
Peace and comfort filled my mind
Because of you and your sweet love.

You're what keeps me going
The sun that lights my sky
The rose that blooms in winter
The rain that cools July
Never try to tell me it wasn't God above
That sent me you and your sweet love.

--- Instrumental ---

Almost every night it seems
You come walking through my dreams
Precious you and your sweet love
And tonight though we're apart
There's a fullness in my heart
Thanks to you and your sweet love.

You're the rock I cling to
The star I wish upon
The water in my desert
The anchor in my storm
Never try to tell me it wasn't God above
That sent me you and your sweet love.

He sent me you and your sweet love...

Mirror lyrics:

He sent me you and your sweet love...

That sent me you and your sweet love.
Never try to tell me it wasn't God above
The anchor in my storm
The water in my desert
The star I wish upon
You're the rock I cling to

Thanks to you and your sweet love.
There's a fullness in my heart
And tonight though we're apart
Precious you and your sweet love
You come walking through my dreams
Almost every night it seems

--- Instrumental ---

That sent me you and your sweet love.
Never try to tell me it wasn't God above
The rain that cools July
The rose that blooms in winter
The sun that lights my sky
You're what keeps me going

Because of you and your sweet love.
Peace and comfort filled my mind
I wish that I could count the times
Because of you and your sweet love
All the days I've made it through
I wish you only knew

(Bill Anderson)

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YYou AAnd YYour SSweet LLove ou nd our weet ove oYu nAd oYur wSeet oLve gou znd gour zweet kove gYou zAnd gYour zSweet kLove Ygou Aznd Ygour Szweet Lkove
hou qnd hour wweet oove hYou qAnd hYour wSweet oLove Yhou Aqnd Yhour Swweet Loove 6ou snd 6our dweet pove 6You sAnd 6Your dSweet pLove Y6ou Asnd Y6our Sdweet Lpove
uou wnd uour eweet uYou wAnd uYour eSweet Lve Yuou Awnd Yuour Seweet Lvoe 7ou xnd 7our xweet Lkve 7You xAnd 7Your xSweet Y7ou Axnd Y7our Sxweet Lokve
jou Annd jour aweet L9ve jYou Ad jYour aSweet L9ove Yjou Adn Yjour Saweet Lo9ve tou Amd tour L0ve tYou Amnd tYour Seet L0ove Ytou Anmd Ytour Sewet Lo0ve
Yoou Ahd Yoour Saeet Llve Yu Ahnd Yur Llove Yuo Anhd Yuor Swaeet Lolve Yku Ajd Ykur S3eet Live Ykou Ajnd Ykour S3weet Liove Yoku Anjd Yokur Sw3eet Loive
Y9u Abd Y9ur Sdeet Lovve Y9ou Abnd Y9our Loe Yo9u Anbd Yo9ur Swdeet Loev Y0u Andd Y0ur Seeet Lobe Y0ou An Y0our Lobve Yo0u And Yo0ur Sweeet Lovbe
Ylu Anx Ylur Sseet Loce Ylou Anxd Ylour Ssweet Locve Yolu Andx Yolur Swseet Lovce Yiu Ane Yiur S2eet Loge Yiou Aned Yiour S2weet Logve Yoiu Ande Yoiur Sw2eet Lovge
Youu Anf Youur Sqeet Lofe Yo Anfd Yor Sqweet Lofve You Andf Yoru Swqeet Lovfe Yoh Anr Yohr Lovee Yohu Anrd Yohur Swet Lov Youh Andr Youhr Sweet Love

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