Bill Anderson
Take Up Thy Cross


I walked one day along a country road
And there a stranger journeyed too
Bent low beneath the burden of his load
It was the cross, the cross I knew.

Take up Thy cross and follow me
I hear the blessed Saviour call
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
When Jesus gave his all.

--- Instrumental ---

I cried Lord Jesus, and He spoke my name
I saw His hands all bruised and torn
I stooped to kiss away the marks of shame
The shame for me that He had born.

Take up Thy cross and follow me
I hear the blessed Saviour call
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
When Jesus gave his all...

Mirror lyrics:

When Jesus gave his all...
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
I hear the blessed Saviour call
Take up Thy cross and follow me

The shame for me that He had born.
I stooped to kiss away the marks of shame
I saw His hands all bruised and torn
I cried Lord Jesus, and He spoke my name

--- Instrumental ---

When Jesus gave his all.
How can I make a lesser sacrifice
I hear the blessed Saviour call
Take up Thy cross and follow me

It was the cross, the cross I knew.
Bent low beneath the burden of his load
And there a stranger journeyed too
I walked one day along a country road


Relevant Tags:
TTake UUp TThy CCross ake p hy ross aTke pU hTy rCoss fake hp fhy fross fTake hUp fThy fCross Tfake Uhp Tfhy Cfross
5ake 7p 5hy xross 5Take 7Up 5Thy xCross T5ake U7p T5hy Cxross hake kp hhy vross hTake kUp hThy vCross Thake Ukp Thhy Cvross
yake ip yhy dross yTake iUp yThy dCross Tyake Uip Tyhy Cdross 6ake 8p 6hy Crross 6Take 8Up 6Thy Coss T6ake U8p T6hy Corss
gake jp ghy Cdoss gTake jUp gThy Tgake Ujp Tghy Crdoss rake yp rhy C4oss rTake yUp rThy C4ross Trake Uyp Trhy Cr4oss
Taake Upp Cgoss Tke U Ty Cgross Tkae Up Tyh Crgoss Tzke U0 Tjy Ctoss Tzake U0p Tjhy Ctross Tazke Up0 Thjy Crtoss
Tqke Ul Tuy C5oss Tqake Ulp Tuhy C5ross Taqke Upl Thuy Cr5oss Tske Uo Tny Cfoss Tsake Uop Tnhy Taske Upo Thny Crfoss
Twke Tby Ceoss Twake Tbhy Ceross Tawke Thby Creoss Txke Tgy Crooss Txake Crss Taxke Thgy Crsos
Takke Tyy Crkss Tae Crkoss

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