Bill Anderson
Stranger In My Place

(Kenny Rogers - Kin Vassy)

I see the town where we were born
I see the place we were raised
I see all the things you wanted that I never gave
I see sadness, I see sorrow, I see pain on your face
But I just can't see a stranger in my place.

I can see now where we quarreled
I can see now I was wrong
I can see where you might weaken and I wasn't strong
I see mem'ries of a love gone bad that time cannot erase
But I just can't see a stranger in my place.

No one seems to know you quite like I do
No one knows the things that make you cry
And looking back it seems I never showed you
And now I lay alone and wonder why.

I can see now where you might grow tired
Of dreams that don't come true
I can see where I have fallen short
Of the things I promised you
I can see now through my tear filled eyes
No love on your face
But I still can't see a stranger in my place...

Mirror lyrics:

But I still can't see a stranger in my place...
No love on your face
I can see now through my tear filled eyes
Of the things I promised you
I can see where I have fallen short
Of dreams that don't come true
I can see now where you might grow tired

And now I lay alone and wonder why.
And looking back it seems I never showed you
No one knows the things that make you cry
No one seems to know you quite like I do

But I just can't see a stranger in my place.
I see mem'ries of a love gone bad that time cannot erase
I can see where you might weaken and I wasn't strong
I can see now I was wrong
I can see now where we quarreled

But I just can't see a stranger in my place.
I see sadness, I see sorrow, I see pain on your face
I see all the things you wanted that I never gave
I see the place we were raised
I see the town where we were born

(Kenny Rogers - Kin Vassy)

Relevant Tags:
SStranger IIn MMy PPlace tranger n y lace tSranger nI yM lPace ztranger jn jy 0lace zStranger jIn jMy 0Place Sztranger Ijn Mjy P0lace
wtranger 9n ky llace wStranger 9In kMy lPlace Swtranger I9n Mky Pllace dtranger ln ny olace dStranger lIn nMy oPlace Sdtranger Iln Mny Polace
etranger on Myy eStranger oIn M Pace Setranger Ion My Palce xtranger kn Mg Pkace xStranger kIn Mgy Pklace Sxtranger Ikn Myg Plkace
atranger 8n Mh Poace aStranger 8In Mhy Satranger I8n Myh Ploace Sttranger un M6 Ppace Sranger uIn M6y Pplace Srtanger Iun My6 Plpace
Sfranger Inn Mu Plaace Sftranger I Muy Plce Stfranger In Myu Plcae S5ranger Im M7 Plzce S5tranger Imn M7y Plzace St5ranger Inm My7 Plazce
Shranger Ih Mj Plqce Shtranger Ihn Plqace Sthranger Inh Myj Plaqce Syranger Ij Mt Plsce Sytranger Mty Plsace Styranger Inj Myt Plasce
S6ranger Ib Plwce S6tranger Ibn Plwace St6ranger Inb Plawce Sgranger Plxce Sgtranger Plxace Stgranger Plaxce
Srranger Placce Srtranger Plae Strranger Plaec Plafe Stanger Plafce Starnger Placfe
Stdanger Plaxe Stdranger Strdanger Placxe St4anger Plave St4ranger Plavce Str4anger Placve
Stganger Plade Pladce Strganger Placde Sttanger Placee Plac Strtanger Place
St5anger Placs Placse Str5anger Places Stfanger Plac3 Plac3e Strfanger Place3
Steanger Placf Steranger Streanger Placef Straanger Placr Strnger Placre Strnager Placer
Strznger Plac4 Strzanger Plac4e Straznger Place4 Strqnger Placd Strqanger Straqnger Placed
Strsnger Placw

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