Bill Anderson
Ride Off In The Sunset

(Bobby Braddock - Curly Putman)

There was justice in his sixgun
There was magic in his name
And I always tried to be him
When we played our cowboy games.

I stood in line to see him
Ride across our small town screen
And in my mind's eye
I rode with him in every scene.

And he would ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
Ride off in the sunset
No goodbyes, just so long for awhile.

I saw him on a talk show
Not too many years ago
His voice was kinda shaky
And his hair was white as snow.

He didn't say goodnight folks
Just waved his hat up in the air
And I told my young son
That's my childhood hero there.

He would ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
Ride off in the sunset
No goodbyes, just so long for awhile.

I read the evening paper
Out in my backyard yesterday
It said that he lay dyin'
In a rest home in L.A.

I looked out toward the sunset
And I saw a golden screen
And I swear I saw him
As he played out his final scene.

I saw him ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
Ride off in the sunset
No goodbyes, just so long for awhile...

Mirror lyrics:

No goodbyes, just so long for awhile...
Ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
I saw him ride off in the sunset

As he played out his final scene.
And I swear I saw him
And I saw a golden screen
I looked out toward the sunset

In a rest home in L.A.
It said that he lay dyin'
Out in my backyard yesterday
I read the evening paper

No goodbyes, just so long for awhile.
Ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
He would ride off in the sunset

That's my childhood hero there.
And I told my young son
Just waved his hat up in the air
He didn't say goodnight folks

And his hair was white as snow.
His voice was kinda shaky
Not too many years ago
I saw him on a talk show

No goodbyes, just so long for awhile.
Ride off in the sunset
With that friendly western smile
And he would ride off in the sunset

I rode with him in every scene.
And in my mind's eye
Ride across our small town screen
I stood in line to see him

When we played our cowboy games.
And I always tried to be him
There was magic in his name
There was justice in his sixgun

(Bobby Braddock - Curly Putman)

Relevant Tags:
RRide OOff IIn TThe SSunset ide ff n he unset iRde fOf nI hTe uSnset dide kff jn fhe zunset dRide kOff jIn fThe zSunset Rdide Okff Ijn Tfhe Szunset
4ide 9ff 9n 5he wunset 4Ride 9Off 9In 5The wSunset R4ide O9ff I9n T5he Swunset gide 0ff ln hhe dunset gRide 0Off lIn hThe dSunset Rgide O0ff Iln Thhe Sdunset
tide lff on yhe eunset tRide lOff oIn yThe eSunset Rtide Olff Ion Tyhe Seunset 5ide iff kn 6he xunset 5Ride iOff kIn 6The xSunset R5ide Oiff Ikn T6he Sxunset
fide Offf 8n ghe aunset fRide Of 8In gThe aSunset Rfide Off I8n Tghe Saunset eide Ocf un rhe Suunset eRide Ocff uIn rThe Snset Reide Ofcf Iun Trhe Snuset
Riide Orf Inn Shnset Rde Orff I Te Shunset Rdie Ofrf In Teh Suhnset Rjde Ogf Im Tje S7nset Rjide Ogff Imn Tjhe S7unset Rijde Ofgf Inm Thje Su7nset
R9de Otf Ih Tue Sknset R9ide Otff Ihn Tuhe Skunset Ri9de Oftf Inh Thue Suknset Rlde Ovf Ij Tne Sinset Rlide Ovff Tnhe Siunset Rilde Ofvf Inj Thne Suinset
Rode Odf Ib Tbe S8nset Roide Odff Ibn Tbhe S8unset Riode Ofdf Inb Thbe Su8nset Rkde Tge Sjnset Rkide Sjunset Rikde Thge Sujnset
R8de Ofc Tye Synset R8ide Syunset Ri8de Offc Thye Suynset Rude Ofr Thee Sunnset Ruide Th Suset Riude Offr The Susnet
Ridde Ofg Ths Sumset Rie Thse Sumnset Ried Offg Thes Sunmset Rixe Oft Th3 Suhset Rixde Th3e Ridxe Offt The3 Sunhset
Riee Ofv Thf Sujset Riede Thfe Ridee Offv Thef Sunjset Rife Ofd Thr Subset Rifde Thre Subnset Ridfe Offd Ther Sunbset
Rire Th4 Sunsset

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