Bill Anderson
On His Way Down To The River

(Bobby Braddock)

He stopped at Fifth on Broad near where the Opry used to be
For one last tiny thought of singing there in '53
He walked into a pawnshop with a ring of gold and watch of silver
Then he continued east on Broad Street on his way down to the river.

He stopped at Third on Broad dropped his envelope in a mailbox
A hundred bucks from Maud his old friend from the Broadway nightspot
The world had passed him by and he had nothing more to give her
So he continued east on Broad Street on his way down to the river.

He stopped at First on Broad he saw the barges and the bridge
A ship was comin' in and he thought Lord mine never did
Some say it was on purpose while some others beg to differ
They say he slipped and fell on his way down to the river...

Mirror lyrics:

They say he slipped and fell on his way down to the river...
Some say it was on purpose while some others beg to differ
A ship was comin' in and he thought Lord mine never did
He stopped at First on Broad he saw the barges and the bridge

So he continued east on Broad Street on his way down to the river.
The world had passed him by and he had nothing more to give her
A hundred bucks from Maud his old friend from the Broadway nightspot
He stopped at Third on Broad dropped his envelope in a mailbox

Then he continued east on Broad Street on his way down to the river.
He walked into a pawnshop with a ring of gold and watch of silver
For one last tiny thought of singing there in '53
He stopped at Fifth on Broad near where the Opry used to be

(Bobby Braddock)

Relevant Tags:
OOn HHis WWay DDown TTo TThe RRiver n is ay own o he iver nO iHs aWy oDwn oT hTe iRver kn jis aay xown fo fhe diver kOn jHis aWay xDown fTo fThe dRiver
Okn Hjis Waay Dxown Tfo Tfhe Rdiver 9n uis 3ay eown 5o 5he 4iver 9On uHis 3Way eDown 5To 5The 4River O9n Huis W3ay Deown T5o T5he R4iver 0n nis day fown ho hhe giver
0On nHis dWay fDown hTo hThe gRiver O0n Hnis Wday Dfown Tho Thhe Rgiver ln bis eay rown yo yhe tiver lOn bHis eWay rDown yTo yThe tRiver Oln Hbis Weay Drown Tyo Tyhe Rtiver
in gis say cown 6o 6he 5iver iOn gHis sWay cDown 6To 6The 5River Oin Hgis Wsay Dcown T6o T6he R5iver Onn yis 2ay sown go ghe fiver O yHis 2Way sDown gTo gThe fRiver
On Hyis W2ay Dsown Tgo Tghe Rfiver Om Hiis qay Doown ro rhe eiver Omn Hs qWay Dwn rTo rThe eRiver Onm Hsi Wqay Dwon Tro Trhe Reiver Oh Hjs Dkwn Too Riiver
Ohn Wy Dkown T Te Rver Onh Hijs Wya Dokwn To Teh Rvier Oj H9s Wzy D9wn Tk Tje Rjver Ojn H9is Wzay D9own Tko Tjhe Rjiver Onj Hi9s Wazy Do9wn Tok Thje Rijver
Ob Hls Wqy D0wn T9 Tue R9ver Obn Hlis D0own T9o Tuhe R9iver Onb Hils Waqy Do0wn To9 Thue Ri9ver Hos Wsy Dlwn T0 Tne Rlver Hois Dlown T0o Tnhe Rliver
Hios Wasy Dolwn To0 Thne Rilver Hks Wwy Diwn Tl Tbe Rover Hkis Wway Diown Tlo Tbhe Roiver Hiks Wawy Doiwn Tol Thbe Riover H8s Wxy Dowwn Ti Tge Rkver
H8is Wxay Don Tio Rkiver Hi8s Waxy Donw Toi Thge Rikver Hus Wayy Doan Tye R8ver Wa Doawn R8iver Hius Way Dowan Thye Ri8ver
Hiss Wag Do3n Thee Ruver Hi Wagy Do3wn Th Ruiver His Wayg Dow3n The Riuver Hiz Wah Dodn Ths Rivver Hizs Wahy Dodwn Thse Rier
Hisz Wayh Dowdn Thes Rievr Hiw Wa6 Doen Th3 Riber Hiws Wa6y Doewn Th3e Ribver

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