An Echo A Stain

she touched
my arm
and smiled

one of these days soon : very soon

love you til then
love you til then
feel my breath
on your neck
and your heart will race

don't say no to me
you can't say no to me
i won't see you

i'm sorry you saw that
i'm sorry he did it

an echo

a stain...

a stain...

i can't say no to you
i can't say no to you
say nothing



Mirror lyrics:



say nothing
i can't say no to you
i can't say no to you

a stain...

a stain...

an echo

i'm sorry he did it
i'm sorry you saw that

i won't see you
you can't say no to me
don't say no to me

and your heart will race
on your neck
feel my breath
love you til then
love you til then

one of these days soon : very soon

and smiled
my arm
she touched

Relevant Tags:
AAn EEcho AA SStain n cho tain nA cEho A tSain zn scho z ztain zAn sEcho zA zStain Azn Escho Az Sztain qn 3cho q wtain
qAn 3Echo qA wStain Aqn E3cho Aq Swtain sn fcho s dtain sAn fEcho sA dStain Asn Efcho As Sdtain wn rcho w etain wAn rEcho wA eStain
Awn Ercho Aw Setain xn 4cho x xtain xAn 4Echo xA xStain Axn E4cho Ax Sxtain Ann dcho atain A dEcho aStain An Edcho Satain
Am wcho Sttain Amn wEcho Sain Anm Ewcho Satin Ah Eccho Sfain Ahn Eho Sftain Anh Ehco Stfain Aj Efho S5ain
Ajn S5tain Anj Ecfho St5ain Ab Exho Shain Abn Excho Shtain Anb Ecxho Sthain Evho Syain Evcho Sytain
Ecvho Styain Edho S6ain S6tain Ecdho St6ain Echho Sgain Eco Sgtain Ecoh Stgain
Ecjo Srain Ecjho Srtain Echjo Strain Ecuo Staain Ecuho Stin Echuo Stian Ecno Stzin
Ecnho Stzain Echno Stazin

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