
On the seventh day of the week
I pray the lord my soul to keep
My legs are moving slow
The temperature outside is strangely
Unlike anything I've known

Who's that lady in the dark?
I think she's lost her way (was it me?)
Who's that standing all alone, looking for someone
to take her soul

On the seventh night of the week
I try to cry myself back to sleep
Unfortunately then, the scent of what was once a memory
That I loved has done me in

Who's that lady in the dark? (Was it me?)
I think she's lost her way (Was it me?)
Who's that standing all alone, looking for someone
to take her home

Take me home
Take me home (Was it me?)
Take me home
Take me home (Was it me?)
Take me home
Take me home

Mirror lyrics:

Take me home
Take me home
Take me home (Was it me?)
Take me home
Take me home (Was it me?)
Take me home

to take her home
Who's that standing all alone, looking for someone
I think she's lost her way (Was it me?)
Who's that lady in the dark? (Was it me?)

That I loved has done me in
Unfortunately then, the scent of what was once a memory
I try to cry myself back to sleep
On the seventh night of the week

to take her soul
Who's that standing all alone, looking for someone
I think she's lost her way (was it me?)
Who's that lady in the dark?

Unlike anything I've known
The temperature outside is strangely
My legs are moving slow
I pray the lord my soul to keep
On the seventh day of the week

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