Kid Cut

You're soulmates been stolen
She's not with you
Just get drunk, go out more
What can you do?
Which prom dress should you choose
She's not about
No one to watch you blow your candles out

Kid cut it out
Kid cut

Who to trust with problems
Tell a secret
No shoulder to cry on
Yeah you need it
Who'll assist scream for help?
Forced to feel it
No longer the one
She walks to school with

Regret it
Learnt from it
Regret it
Learnt from it

Kid cut it out...

Mirror lyrics:

Kid cut it out...

Learnt from it
Regret it
Learnt from it
Regret it

She walks to school with
No longer the one
Forced to feel it
Who'll assist scream for help?
Yeah you need it
No shoulder to cry on
Tell a secret
Who to trust with problems

Kid cut
Kid cut it out

No one to watch you blow your candles out
She's not about
Which prom dress should you choose
What can you do?
Just get drunk, go out more
She's not with you
You're soulmates been stolen

Relevant Tags:
KKid CCut id ut iKd uCt lid fut lKid fCut Klid Cfut oid xut oKid xCut Koid Cxut mid vut mKid vCut
Kmid Cvut jid dut jKid dCut Kjid Cdut iid Cuut iKid Ct Kiid Ctu Cht Kd Chut Kdi Cuht Kjd C7t
C7ut Kijd Cu7t K9d Ckt K9id Ckut Ki9d Cukt Kld Cit Ciut Kild Cuit Kod C8t

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