Dis Satisfied
(Bill Anderson - Jan Howard - Carter Howard)
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
You like your new dress for a while
Then you say it went out of style
And you liked your new car for a mouth or so
(Yeah, but you know I don't like that color)
You're bored with everything we do, nothing I do pleases you
And I wonder what'll be the next to go.
Well, one day you fly airplanes
The next day you dig baseball games
And you're always talkin' about that blonde next door
(Ah, she's a lovely child)
The way that you keep changing things
I wonder 'bout your wedding ring
Oh, how long before it makes your fingers sore.
(Oh, I ain't talkin' baby.)
I know you're dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
Honey, are you dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied?
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
--- Instrumental ---
Well, I put pork chops on your plate
But you know I like T-bone steak
Well, you change your crazy mind from day to day
(Listen you dingy red head)
I built you a swimmin' pool
(Yeah, 'cause you know I can't swim you fool)
Ha, ha, ha, I was just tryin' to make you happy
In my own simple humble, country whispering way.
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
You're actin' dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
Just come on out and say that you're dis-satisfied with me...
Just come on out and say that you're dis-satisfied with me...
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
You're actin' dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
In my own simple humble, country whispering way.
Ha, ha, ha, I was just tryin' to make you happy
(Yeah, 'cause you know I can't swim you fool)
I built you a swimmin' pool
(Listen you dingy red head)
Well, you change your crazy mind from day to day
But you know I like T-bone steak
Well, I put pork chops on your plate
--- Instrumental ---
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
Honey, are you dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied?
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
I know you're dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
(Oh, I ain't talkin' baby.)
Oh, how long before it makes your fingers sore.
I wonder 'bout your wedding ring
The way that you keep changing things
(Ah, she's a lovely child)
And you're always talkin' about that blonde next door
The next day you dig baseball games
Well, one day you fly airplanes
And I wonder what'll be the next to go.
You're bored with everything we do, nothing I do pleases you
(Yeah, but you know I don't like that color)
And you liked your new car for a mouth or so
Then you say it went out of style
You like your new dress for a while
How long before you say that you're dis-satisfied with me?
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
Nothin' makes you happy that I can see
Dis-satisfied, dis-satisfied
(Bill Anderson - Jan Howard - Carter Howard)
DDis SSatisfied |
| is atisfied |
| iDs aStisfied |
| xis zatisfied |
| xDis zSatisfied |
| Dxis Szatisfied |
| eis watisfied |
| eDis wSatisfied |
| Deis Swatisfied |
fis datisfied |
| fDis dSatisfied |
| Dfis Sdatisfied |
| ris eatisfied |
| rDis eSatisfied |
| Dris Seatisfied |
| cis xatisfied |
| cDis xSatisfied |
| Dcis Sxatisfied |
sis aatisfied |
| sDis aSatisfied |
| Dsis Saatisfied |
| Diis |
| Ds Stisfied |
| Dsi Staisfied |
| Djs Sztisfied |
| Djis |
| Dijs Saztisfied |
D9s Sqtisfied |
| D9is Sqatisfied |
| Di9s Saqtisfied |
| Dls Sstisfied |
| Dlis Ssatisfied |
| Dils Sastisfied |
| Dos Swtisfied |
| Dois |
| Dios Sawtisfied |
Dks Sxtisfied |
| Dkis |
| Diks Saxtisfied |
| D8s Sattisfied |
| D8is Saisfied |
| Di8s Saitsfied |
| Dus Safisfied |
| Duis Saftisfied |
| Dius Satfisfied |
Diss Sa5isfied |
| Di Sa5tisfied |
| Dis Sat5isfied |
| Diz Sahisfied |
| Dizs Sahtisfied |
| Disz Sathisfied |
| Diw Sayisfied |
| Diws Saytisfied |
| Disw Satyisfied |
Did Sa6isfied |
| Dids Sa6tisfied |
| Disd Sat6isfied |
| Die Sagisfied |
| Dies Sagtisfied |
| Dise Satgisfied |
| Dix Sarisfied |
| Dixs Sartisfied |
| Disx Satrisfied |
Dia Satiisfied |
| Dias Satsfied |
| Disa Satsified |
| Satjsfied |
| Satjisfied |
| Satijsfied |
| Sat9sfied |
| Sat9isfied |
| Sati9sfied |
Satlsfied |
| Satlisfied |
| Satilsfied |
| Satosfied |
| Satoisfied |
| Satiosfied |
| Satksfied |
| Satkisfied |
| Satiksfied |
Sat8sfied |
| Sat8isfied |
| Sati8sfied |
| Satusfied |
| Satuisfied |
| Satiusfied |
| Satissfied |
| Satified |
| Satifsied |
Satizfied |
| Satizsfied |
| Satiszfied |
| Satiwfied |