Bill Anderson
Corner Of My Life

I'm not looking for a sweetheart
Just a gentle lady friend
Someone I can softly turn to
When I need to now and then
When my head gets kinda tangled
And my soul is lying bare
I reach over in the Corner of my life
And I find you waiting there

You're a number I can phone
You're a letter I can write
You're my water when I'm thirsty
In the middle of the night
You're a warm and tender body
You're a woman, not a wife
And just knowing you has brightened
The corner of my life

There's a special kind of feeling
When we're simply touching hands
There's a special kind of comfort
Knowing someone understands
I'm no knight in shining armor
I'll never carry you away
But you're filling up the corner of my life
In the nicest kind of way

You're a number I can phone
You're a letter I can write
You're my water when I'm thirsty
In the middle of the night
You're a warm and tender body
You're a woman, not a wife
And just knowing you has brightened
The corner of my life

I can't count the ways you've brightened
All the corners of my life
mmmm mmmm (fade)

Mirror lyrics:

mmmm mmmm (fade)
All the corners of my life
I can't count the ways you've brightened

The corner of my life
And just knowing you has brightened
You're a woman, not a wife
You're a warm and tender body
In the middle of the night
You're my water when I'm thirsty
You're a letter I can write
You're a number I can phone

In the nicest kind of way
But you're filling up the corner of my life
I'll never carry you away
I'm no knight in shining armor
Knowing someone understands
There's a special kind of comfort
When we're simply touching hands
There's a special kind of feeling

The corner of my life
And just knowing you has brightened
You're a woman, not a wife
You're a warm and tender body
In the middle of the night
You're my water when I'm thirsty
You're a letter I can write
You're a number I can phone

And I find you waiting there
I reach over in the Corner of my life
And my soul is lying bare
When my head gets kinda tangled
When I need to now and then
Someone I can softly turn to
Just a gentle lady friend
I'm not looking for a sweetheart

Relevant Tags:
CCorner OOf MMy LLife orner f y ife oCrner fO yM iLfe forner kf jy kife fCorner kOf jMy kLife Cforner Okf Mjy Lkife
xorner 9f ky oife xCorner 9Of kMy oLife Cxorner O9f Mky Loife vorner 0f ny pife vCorner 0Of nMy pLife Cvorner O0f Mny Lpife
dorner lf Myy Liife dCorner lOf M Lfe Cdorner Olf My Lfie Coorner if Mg Ljfe Crner iOf Mgy Ljife Croner Oif Myg Lijfe
Ckrner Off Mh L9fe Ckorner O Mhy L9ife Cokrner Of Myh Li9fe C9rner Oc M6 Llfe C9orner Ocf M6y Llife Co9rner Ofc My6 Lilfe
C0rner Or Mu Lofe C0orner Orf Muy Co0rner Ofr Myu Liofe Clrner Og M7 Lkfe Clorner Ogf M7y Colrner Ofg My7 Likfe
Cirner Ot Mj L8fe Ciorner Otf L8ife Coirner Oft Myj Li8fe Corrner Ov Mt Lufe Coner Ovf Mty Luife Conrer Ofv Myt Liufe
Codner Od Liffe Codrner Odf Lie Cordner Ofd Lief Co4ner Lice Co4rner Licfe Cor4ner Lifce
Cogner Lire Cogrner Lirfe Corgner Lifre Cotner Lige Cotrner Ligfe Cortner Lifge
Co5ner Lite Co5rner Litfe Cor5ner Lifte Cofner Live Cofrner Livfe Corfner Lifve
Coener Lide Coerner Lidfe Corener Lifde Cornner Lifee

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