Sore Loser

I'm guessing some things never change
Sore losers they've just lost the game
Trying to win the battle lost
Some just can't accept it
Some just wanna reject it
Their hearts have been consumed by hate
It takes me back to the kid who had someone fighting for him
Brings me back to a game we played when we were kids
I never played

My mom can beat up your mom
My dad can beat up your dad
My god can beat up your god too

All of the treaties are the same
Were millions of lives worth the gain
the governments using them for
They had children fighting for them
The post-war wont support them
Sugar-coated poison called crusades
It takes me back to the kid who had someone fighting for him
Brings me back to a game we played when we were kids
I never played

My mom can beat up your mom
My dad can beat up your dad
My god can beat up your god too

Mirror lyrics:

My god can beat up your god too
My dad can beat up your dad
My mom can beat up your mom

I never played
Brings me back to a game we played when we were kids
It takes me back to the kid who had someone fighting for him
Sugar-coated poison called crusades
The post-war wont support them
They had children fighting for them
the governments using them for
Were millions of lives worth the gain
All of the treaties are the same

My god can beat up your god too
My dad can beat up your dad
My mom can beat up your mom

I never played
Brings me back to a game we played when we were kids
It takes me back to the kid who had someone fighting for him
Their hearts have been consumed by hate
Some just wanna reject it
Some just can't accept it
Trying to win the battle lost
Sore losers they've just lost the game
I'm guessing some things never change

Relevant Tags:
SSore LLoser ore oser oSre oLser zore koser zSore kLoser Szore Lkoser wore ooser wSore oLoser Swore Looser dore poser dSore pLoser
Sdore Lposer eore eSore Lser Seore Lsoer xore Lkser xSore Sxore Lokser aore L9ser aSore L9oser Saore Lo9ser Soore L0ser
Sre L0oser Sroe Lo0ser Skre Llser Skore Lloser Sokre Lolser S9re Liser S9ore Lioser So9re Loiser S0re Losser S0ore Loer So0re Loesr
Slre Lozer Slore Lozser Solre Loszer Sire Lower Siore Lowser Soire Loswer Sorre Loder Soe Lodser Soer Losder Sode Loeer Sodre Loeser

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