My So Called Friend

You always seemed to be there for me
But somehow it seemed so superficial
Some others said you had some bad to say
And it hurts me to think that you felt that way

So I guess in the end
There's wool over my eyes
You said that you cared
You said that you did
It turns out now that's a lie

Well I'm not surprised
Just left with tears in my eyes
My so-called friend?!
And so I don't understand Your thoughts and dreams
Well they're secondhand
But when will we end this game
Your temperamental being is playing with fate

My so-called friend?!

Mirror lyrics:

My so-called friend?!

Your temperamental being is playing with fate
But when will we end this game
Well they're secondhand
And so I don't understand Your thoughts and dreams
My so-called friend?!
Just left with tears in my eyes
Well I'm not surprised

It turns out now that's a lie
You said that you did
You said that you cared
There's wool over my eyes
So I guess in the end

And it hurts me to think that you felt that way
Some others said you had some bad to say
But somehow it seemed so superficial
You always seemed to be there for me

Relevant Tags:
MMy SSo CCalled FFriend y o alled riend yM oS aClled rFiend jy zo falled criend jMy zSo fCalled cFriend Mjy Szo Cfalled Fcriend
ky wo xalled rriend kMy wSo xCalled rFriend Mky Swo Cxalled Frriend ny do valled griend nMy dSo vCalled gFriend Mny Sdo Cvalled Fgriend
Myy eo dalled triend M eSo dCalled tFriend My Seo Cdalled Ftriend Mg xo Caalled vriend Mgy xSo Clled vFriend Myg Sxo Claled Fvriend
Mh ao Czlled driend Mhy aSo Czalled dFriend Myh Sao Cazlled Fdriend M6 Soo Cqlled M6y S Cqalled Fiend My6 So Caqlled Firend
Mu Sk Cslled Fdiend Muy Sko Csalled Myu Sok Caslled Frdiend M7 S9 Cwlled F4iend M7y S9o Cwalled F4riend My7 So9 Cawlled Fr4iend
Mj S0 Cxlled Fgiend S0o Myj So0 Caxlled Frgiend Mt Sl Callled Ftiend Mty Slo Caled Myt Sol Called Frtiend
Si Cakled F5iend Sio Caklled F5riend Soi Calkled Fr5iend Caoled Ffiend Caolled Ffriend Caloled Frfiend
Capled Feiend Caplled Feriend Calpled Freiend Friiend Frend Caleld Freind
Calked Frjend Frjiend Callked Frijend Caloed Fr9end Fr9iend Calloed Fri9end
Calped Frlend Frliend Callped Frilend Calleed Froend Calld Froiend Callde Frioend
Callsd Frkend Callsed Frkiend Callesd Frikend

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