In Love With You

Oh what can I say
What can I do
What's building up inside
Where other people keep falling
I just wanna fly
In love with you under my wing
Lift you up higher and higher
Squeeze you 'till juice comes running out
It's more a need than a desire
And all I can do is to shout
... You got that smile
Although it's been quite a while
It's been shining on my face..
Like a hotrod racecar in the nitro-haze
And I'm in love with you
And now that half my heart is bleeding
And I'm all alone
A symptom of the life I'm leading
Snow on the panes by my quiet phone
And I'm in love with you

And now you build it up stop
Take a look around
Everything is changing
And your promises were never meant for long
You build it up stop
Take a look around
everything is changing while
I'm loosing my mind In love with you

Mirror lyrics:

I'm loosing my mind In love with you
everything is changing while
Take a look around
You build it up stop
And your promises were never meant for long
Everything is changing
Take a look around
And now you build it up stop

And I'm in love with you
Snow on the panes by my quiet phone
A symptom of the life I'm leading
And I'm all alone
And now that half my heart is bleeding
And I'm in love with you
Like a hotrod racecar in the nitro-haze
It's been shining on my face..
Although it's been quite a while
... You got that smile
And all I can do is to shout
It's more a need than a desire
Squeeze you 'till juice comes running out
Lift you up higher and higher
In love with you under my wing
I just wanna fly
Where other people keep falling
What's building up inside
What can I do
Oh what can I say

Relevant Tags:
IIn LLove WWith YYou n ove ith ou nI oLve iWth oYu jn kove aith gou jIn kLove aWith gYou Ijn Lkove Waith Ygou 9n oove 3ith hou
9In oLove 3With hYou I9n Loove W3ith Yhou ln pove dith 6ou lIn pLove dWith 6You Iln Lpove Wdith Y6ou on eith uou oIn Lve eWith uYou
Ion Lvoe Weith Yuou kn Lkve sith 7ou kIn sWith 7You Ikn Lokve Wsith Y7ou 8n L9ve 2ith jou 8In L9ove 2With jYou I8n Lo9ve W2ith Yjou
un L0ve qith tou uIn L0ove qWith tYou Iun Lo0ve Wqith Ytou Inn Llve Wiith Yoou I Llove Wth Yu In Lolve Wtih Yuo Im Live Wjth Yku
Imn Liove Wjith Ykou Inm Loive Wijth Yoku Ih Lovve W9th Y9u Ihn Loe W9ith Y9ou Inh Loev Wi9th Yo9u Ij Lobe Wlth Y0u Lobve Wlith Y0ou
Inj Lovbe Wilth Yo0u Ib Loce Woth Ylu Ibn Locve Woith Ylou Inb Lovce Wioth Yolu Loge Wkth Yiu Logve Wkith Yiou Lovge Wikth Yoiu
Lofe W8th Youu Lofve W8ith Yo Lovfe Wi8th You

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