Bill Anderson
Love Is A Fragile Thing

My mama and daddy
Were celebrating their anniversary
In all their years together
I'd never seen them disagree.

I said mama what's your secret
Daddy tell me the truth
They laid a little wisdom on me
That I've carried ever since my youth.

If you hold on to love too tight
It'll crumble and crack
If you hold on to love too loosely
It'll fly away and won't come back.

Love has a mind of it's own
It'll dance like a kite on a string
For something that can be so strong
Love is a fragile thing.
Love sure is a fragile thing.

They said your mama and your daddy ain't perfect son
We made our share of mistakes
But we never go to bed when either one's mad
No matter how long it takes.

We sit up and talk things over
Till we work everything out
We kiss goodnight and in the morning
We've forgotten what we argued about.

If you hold on to love too tight
It'll crumble and crack
If you hold on to love too loosely
It'll fly away and won't come back.

True love is a treasure
Treat it like it is
And then one day
You can say to your own kids...

Mirror lyrics:

You can say to your own kids...
And then one day
Treat it like it is
True love is a treasure

It'll fly away and won't come back.
If you hold on to love too loosely
It'll crumble and crack
If you hold on to love too tight

We've forgotten what we argued about.
We kiss goodnight and in the morning
Till we work everything out
We sit up and talk things over

No matter how long it takes.
But we never go to bed when either one's mad
We made our share of mistakes
They said your mama and your daddy ain't perfect son

Love sure is a fragile thing.
Love is a fragile thing.
For something that can be so strong
It'll dance like a kite on a string
Love has a mind of it's own

It'll fly away and won't come back.
If you hold on to love too loosely
It'll crumble and crack
If you hold on to love too tight

That I've carried ever since my youth.
They laid a little wisdom on me
Daddy tell me the truth
I said mama what's your secret

I'd never seen them disagree.
In all their years together
Were celebrating their anniversary
My mama and daddy

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs AA FFragile TThing ove s ragile hing oLve sI A rFagile hTing kove js z cragile fhing kLove jIs zA cFragile fThing Lkove Ijs Az Fcragile Tfhing
oove 9s q rragile 5hing oLove 9Is qA rFragile 5Thing Loove I9s Aq Frragile T5hing pove ls s gragile hhing pLove lIs sA gFragile hThing Lpove Ils As Fgragile Thhing
os w tragile yhing Lve oIs wA tFragile yThing Lvoe Ios Aw Ftragile Tyhing Lkve ks x vragile 6hing kIs xA vFragile 6Thing Lokve Iks Ax Fvragile T6hing
L9ve 8s dragile ghing L9ove 8Is dFragile gThing Lo9ve I8s Fdragile Tghing L0ve us rhing L0ove uIs Fagile rThing Lo0ve Ius Fargile Trhing
Llve Iss Fdagile Llove I Ting Lolve Is Frdagile Tihng Live Iz F4agile Tjing Liove Izs F4ragile Tjhing Loive Isz Fr4agile Thjing
Lovve Iw Fgagile Tuing Loe Iws Tuhing Loev Isw Frgagile Thuing Lobe Id Ftagile Tning Lobve Ids Tnhing Lovbe Isd Frtagile Thning
Loce Ie F5agile Tbing Locve Ies F5ragile Tbhing Lovce Ise Fr5agile Thbing Loge Ix Ffagile Tging Logve Ixs Ffragile Lovge Isx Frfagile Thging
Lofe Ia Feagile Tying Lofve Ias Feragile Lovfe Isa Freagile Thying Lovee Fraagile Thiing Lov Frgile Thng Love Frgaile Thnig
Lovs Frzgile Thjng Lovse Frzagile Loves Frazgile Thijng Lov3 Frqgile Th9ng Lov3e Frqagile Th9ing Love3 Fraqgile Thi9ng
Lovf Frsgile Thlng Frsagile Thling Lovef Frasgile Thilng Lovr Frwgile Thong Lovre Frwagile Thoing Lover Frawgile Thiong
Lov4 Frxgile Thkng Lov4e Frxagile Thking Love4 Fraxgile Thikng Lovd Fraggile Th8ng Lovde Fraile Th8ing Loved Fraigle Thi8ng
Lovw Frahile Thung Lovwe Frahgile Lovew Fraghile Thiung

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