Big & Rich
Hillbillies Like It In The Hay

Tractor's parked out in the yard
I say you and me take it down to the barn
Pull it inside and climb to the top
Spread out a blanket in a favorite spot
Pitch that pitchfork out of the way
Hillbillies love it in the hay!!!!

Grab that bottle of strawberry wine
Plateful of chicken and some of that pie
We could be there all night long
You know how we get when we get it on
Up in the loft down yonder way
Hillbillies love it in the hay!!!!

Lay me down on a bed of gold
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass
Hillbillies……… like it like that!

Sun's coming up and the rooster crows
Hound dog chewing on the chicken bone (chicken bone)
You and me just a having a ball (yee-haw)
It's a good thing that old mule can't talk (goodness)
Ain't no telling what he might say
Hillbillies love it in the awwwwwww …. HAY!!!

Lay me down on a bed of gold
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass
Hillbillies…… like it like that! Yeah we do!

Lay me down on a bed of gold
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass (awww…yes…)
Hillbillies……… like it like that!

Hey hillbilly! Hey hillbilly! (yeah, ya know what we're talking about)
Hey hillbilly! Hey hillbilly!

Mirror lyrics:

Hey hillbilly! Hey hillbilly!
Hey hillbilly! Hey hillbilly! (yeah, ya know what we're talking about)

Hillbillies……… like it like that!
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass (awww…yes…)
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Lay me down on a bed of gold

Hillbillies…… like it like that! Yeah we do!
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Lay me down on a bed of gold

Hillbillies love it in the awwwwwww …. HAY!!!
Ain't no telling what he might say
It's a good thing that old mule can't talk (goodness)
You and me just a having a ball (yee-haw)
Hound dog chewing on the chicken bone (chicken bone)
Sun's coming up and the rooster crows

Hillbillies……… like it like that!
Drive me wild in the soft sweet grass
Roll me round 'til the cows come home
Lay me down on a bed of gold

Hillbillies love it in the hay!!!!
Up in the loft down yonder way
You know how we get when we get it on
We could be there all night long
Plateful of chicken and some of that pie
Grab that bottle of strawberry wine

Hillbillies love it in the hay!!!!
Pitch that pitchfork out of the way
Spread out a blanket in a favorite spot
Pull it inside and climb to the top
I say you and me take it down to the barn
Tractor's parked out in the yard

Relevant Tags:
HHillbillies LLike IIt IIn TThe HHay illbillies ike t n he ay iHllbillies iLke tI nI hTe aHy jillbillies kike jt jn fhe jay jHillbillies kLike jIt jIn fThe jHay
Hjillbillies Lkike Ijt Ijn Tfhe Hjay uillbillies oike 9t 9n 5he uay uHillbillies oLike 9It 9In 5The uHay Huillbillies Loike I9t I9n T5he Huay nillbillies pike lt ln hhe nay
nHillbillies pLike lIt lIn hThe nHay Hnillbillies Lpike Ilt Iln Thhe Hnay billbillies Liike ot on yhe bay bHillbillies Lke oIt oIn yThe bHay Hbillbillies Lkie Iot Ion Tyhe Hbay
gillbillies Ljke kt kn 6he gay gHillbillies Ljike kIt kIn 6The gHay Hgillbillies Lijke Ikt Ikn T6he Hgay yillbillies L9ke 8t 8n ghe yay yHillbillies L9ike 8It 8In gThe yHay
Hyillbillies Li9ke I8t I8n Tghe Hyay Hiillbillies Llke ut un rhe Haay Hllbillies Llike uIt uIn rThe Hy Hlilbillies Lilke Iut Iun Trhe Hya Hjllbillies Loke Itt Inn Hzy
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Hlllbillies L8ke I5 Ih Tue Hsy Hlillbillies L8ike I5t Ihn Tuhe Hsay Hilllbillies Li8ke It5 Inh Thue Hasy Hollbillies Luke Ih Ij Tne Hwy Hoillbillies Luike Iht Tnhe Hway
Hiollbillies Liuke Ith Inj Thne Hawy Hkllbillies Iy Ib Tbe Hxy Hkillbillies Lie Iyt Ibn Tbhe Hxay Hikllbillies Liek Ity Inb Thbe Haxy H8llbillies Lile I6 Tge Hayy
H8illbillies I6t Ha Hi8llbillies Likle It6 Thge Hay Hullbillies Lioe Ig Tye Hag Igt Hagy Hiullbillies Likoe Itg Thye Hayg
Lime Ir Thee Hah Hilbillies Limke Irt Th Hahy Hillbillies Likme Itr The Hayh Hiklbillies Lije Ths Ha6 Thse Ha6y
Hilklbillies Likje Thes Hay6 Hiolbillies Liie Th3 Hau Th3e Hauy Hilolbillies Likie The3 Hayu Hiplbillies Likee Thf Ha7
Hipllbillies Lik Thfe Ha7y Hilplbillies Like Thef Hay7 Liks Thr Haj Likse Thre Hajy Hilblillies Likes Ther Hayj
Hilkbillies Lik3 Th4 Hat Lik3e Th4e Haty Hillkbillies Like3 The4 Hayt Hilobillies Likf Thd Likfe Thde
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Hillgillies Likw Hillgbillies Likwe Hillbgillies Likew Hillnillies Hillnbillies
Hillbnillies Hillhillies Hillhbillies Hillbhillies Hillbiillies
Hillbllies Hillblilies

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