Bic Runga
Wishing On A Star

(Rose Royce)

I'm wishing on a star

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow what it means

I'm wishing on a star

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow what it means

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

I wish on all the people who really dream

And I'm wishing on tomorrow, praying it'll comes

And I'm wishing on all the lovin' we've ever done

I never thought I'd see

A time when you would be

So far away from home

So far away from me

Just think of all the moments that we'd spent

I just can't let you go, for me you were meant

And I didn't mean to hurt you, but I know

That in the game of love you reap what you sow

I feel it's time we should make up, baby

I feel it's time for us to get back together

And make the best of things, oh, baby

When we're together, whether or never

I feel it's time we should make up, baby

I feel it's time for us to get back together

And make the best of things, oh, baby

When we're together, whether or never

I'm wishing on a star

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow what it means

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

I wish on all the people we've ever been

And I'm hopin' on all the days to come and days to go

And I'm hopin' on all the love that you've ever know

Wishing on a star

To follow where you are

Wishing on a star


And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

Wishing on a star

To follow where you are

Wishing on a star


And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

Mirror lyrics:

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see


Wishing on a star

To follow where you are

Wishing on a star

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see


Wishing on a star

To follow where you are

Wishing on a star

And I'm hopin' on all the love that you've ever know

And I'm hopin' on all the days to come and days to go

I wish on all the people we've ever been

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

To follow what it means

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a star

When we're together, whether or never

And make the best of things, oh, baby

I feel it's time for us to get back together

I feel it's time we should make up, baby

When we're together, whether or never

And make the best of things, oh, baby

I feel it's time for us to get back together

I feel it's time we should make up, baby

That in the game of love you reap what you sow

And I didn't mean to hurt you, but I know

I just can't let you go, for me you were meant

Just think of all the moments that we'd spent

So far away from me

So far away from home

A time when you would be

I never thought I'd see

And I'm wishing on all the lovin' we've ever done

And I'm wishing on tomorrow, praying it'll comes

I wish on all the people who really dream

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see

To follow what it means

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a star

To follow what it means

I'm wishing on a dream

To follow where you are

I'm wishing on a star

(Rose Royce)

Relevant Tags:
WWishing OOn AA SStar ishing n tar iWshing nO A tSar aishing kn z ztar aWishing kOn zA zStar Waishing Okn Az Sztar
3ishing 9n q wtar 3Wishing 9On qA wStar W3ishing O9n Aq Swtar dishing 0n s dtar dWishing 0On sA dStar Wdishing O0n As Sdtar
eishing ln w etar eWishing lOn wA eStar Weishing Oln Aw Setar sishing in x xtar sWishing iOn xA xStar Wsishing Oin Ax Sxtar
2ishing Onn atar 2Wishing O aStar W2ishing On Satar qishing Om Sttar qWishing Omn Sar Wqishing Onm Satr
Wiishing Oh Sfar Wshing Ohn Sftar Wsihing Onh Stfar Wjshing Oj S5ar Wjishing Ojn S5tar Wijshing Onj St5ar
W9shing Ob Shar W9ishing Obn Shtar Wi9shing Onb Sthar Wlshing Syar Wlishing Sytar Wilshing Styar
Woshing S6ar Woishing S6tar Wioshing St6ar Wkshing Sgar Wkishing Sgtar Wikshing Stgar
W8shing Srar W8ishing Srtar Wi8shing Strar Wushing Staar Wuishing Str Wiushing Stra
Wisshing Stzr Wihing Stzar Wihsing Stazr Wizhing Stqr Wizshing Stqar Wiszhing Staqr
Wiwhing Stsr Wiwshing Stsar Wiswhing Stasr Widhing Stwr Widshing Stwar Wisdhing Stawr
Wiehing Stxr Wieshing Stxar Wisehing Staxr Wixhing Starr Wixshing Sta Wisxhing Star
Wiahing Stad Wiashing Stadr Wisahing Stard Wishhing Sta4 Wising Sta4r Wisihng Star4
Wisjing Stag

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