Bic Runga
Election Night

Come around for tea
Dance me round and round the kitchen
By the light of my T.V
On the night of the election
Ancient stars will fall into the sea
And the ocean floor sings her sympathy

Drive me miles away
Escape the sky that we lay under
Of all the dreams we cannot shake
We're always shaking in our slumber
In the car don't let me fall asleep
I might leave my heart here on your vinyl seat

Well the sound of the city's now long gone
And in the silence of the park and every darkened cinema
Feel the little changes coming on
So come to me where you belong

Of all the bright machinery
Love's the strangest of inventions
How could this all just turn on me?
When all I wanted was perfection
And you are
That's what you are to me
You're the brightest star when all the world's asleep

Well the sound of the city's now long gone
And in the silence of the park and every darkened cinema
Feel the little changes coming on
So come to me where you belong
Come to me where you belong

Mirror lyrics:

Come to me where you belong
So come to me where you belong
Feel the little changes coming on
And in the silence of the park and every darkened cinema
Well the sound of the city's now long gone

You're the brightest star when all the world's asleep
That's what you are to me
And you are
When all I wanted was perfection
How could this all just turn on me?
Love's the strangest of inventions
Of all the bright machinery

So come to me where you belong
Feel the little changes coming on
And in the silence of the park and every darkened cinema
Well the sound of the city's now long gone

I might leave my heart here on your vinyl seat
In the car don't let me fall asleep
We're always shaking in our slumber
Of all the dreams we cannot shake
Escape the sky that we lay under
Drive me miles away

And the ocean floor sings her sympathy
Ancient stars will fall into the sea
On the night of the election
By the light of my T.V
Dance me round and round the kitchen
Come around for tea

Relevant Tags:
EElection NNight lection ight lEection iNght slection might sElection mNight Eslection Nmight 3lection hight 3Election hNight
E3lection Nhight flection jight fElection jNight Eflection Njight rlection bight rElection bNight Erlection Nbight 4lection Niight
4Election Nght E4lection Ngiht dlection Njght dElection Edlection Nijght wlection N9ght wElection N9ight Ewlection Ni9ght
Ellection Nlght Eection Nlight Eelction Nilght Ekection Noght Eklection Noight Elkection Nioght Eoection Nkght Eolection Nkight
Eloection Nikght Epection N8ght Eplection N8ight Elpection Ni8ght Eleection Nught Elction Nuight Elcetion Niught Elsction Nigght
Elsection Niht Elesction Nihgt El3ction Nihht El3ection Nihght Ele3ction Nighht Elfction Niyht Elfection Niyght Elefction Nigyht
Elrction Nibht Elrection Nibght Elerction Nigbht El4ction Nivht El4ection Nivght Ele4ction Nigvht Eldction Nifht Eldection Nifght
Eledction Nigfht Elwction Nitht Elwection Nitght Elewction Nigtht Elecction Eletion Nigt Eletcion Nigth Eleftion Nigjt
Nigjht Elecftion Nighjt Elextion Nigut Elexction Niguht Elecxtion Nighut Elevtion Nignt Elevction Nignht Elecvtion Nighnt
Eledtion Nigbt

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