Bianca Ryan
I Wish That

I wish that
This world was one world
I wish that
Love ruled on this Earth
That everyone would try
Try to take some time to show Kindness
That every life would be
A life that knows no lonliness
This is my wish

And I wish that
There would be no wars
And I wish that
No one had to hurt no more
And I wish that
Everyone could see
Only love is worth fighting for
And I wish that
All of us could live in
A world where
All of us could forgive
And I know it's just a dream
But I wish this could be

I wish that
No tears would be cried
I Pray that oh
Peace comes to these times
That love would be the light
That would light the way Through all the darkness
That all of us could find
The love to fill our hearts with
That is my wish

And I wish that
There would be no wars
And I wish that
No one had to hurt no more
And maybe I shouldn't try
But all our faith can take us
Through these troubled times
I wish that
Love ruled on this Earth

And I wish that
And I wish yeah yea yeah yeah

And I wish that
All of us could live in
A world where
All of us could forgive
And I know it's just a dream
And i know it's just a dream
But I wish this could be

Mirror lyrics:

But I wish this could be
And i know it's just a dream
And I know it's just a dream
All of us could forgive
A world where
All of us could live in
And I wish that

And I wish yeah yea yeah yeah
And I wish that

Love ruled on this Earth
I wish that
Through these troubled times
But all our faith can take us
And maybe I shouldn't try
No one had to hurt no more
And I wish that
There would be no wars
And I wish that

That is my wish
The love to fill our hearts with
That all of us could find
That would light the way Through all the darkness
That love would be the light
Peace comes to these times
I Pray that oh
No tears would be cried
I wish that

But I wish this could be
And I know it's just a dream
All of us could forgive
A world where
All of us could live in
And I wish that
Only love is worth fighting for
Everyone could see
And I wish that
No one had to hurt no more
And I wish that
There would be no wars
And I wish that

This is my wish
A life that knows no lonliness
That every life would be
Try to take some time to show Kindness
That everyone would try
Love ruled on this Earth
I wish that
This world was one world
I wish that

Relevant Tags:
II WWish TThat ish hat I iWsh hTat j aish fhat jI aWish fThat Ij Waish Tfhat 9 3ish 5hat 9I 3Wish 5That I9 W3ish T5hat l dish hhat
lI dWish hThat Il Wdish Thhat o eish yhat oI eWish yThat Io Weish Tyhat k sish 6hat kI sWish 6That Ik Wsish T6hat 8 2ish ghat 8I 2Wish gThat
I8 W2ish Tghat u qish rhat uI qWish rThat Iu Wqish Trhat Wiish Wsh Tat Wsih Taht Wjsh Tjat Wjish Tjhat Wijsh Thjat
W9sh Tuat W9ish Tuhat Wi9sh Thuat Wlsh Tnat Wlish Tnhat Wilsh Thnat Wosh Tbat Woish Tbhat Wiosh Thbat Wksh Tgat
Wkish Wiksh Thgat W8sh Tyat W8ish Wi8sh Thyat

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