Beverley Mitchell
If It Ain't True (true Love)

Before you open up to speak
Think of what your saying to me
Oh, don't say things just to be with me
My heart only deals in honesty
Look into my soul
And tell me that forever I can hope
That we'll always be together
'Cause heaven knows

If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
Aren't we all just looking to find true love

It doesn't really make much sense
To question every consequence I know, oh I know
'Cause i've already fallen in
And nothing feels as good as holding you close
Some do it for the rush
Some do it for the thrill of any touch
But baby all I do it for is love, your love, but

If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
Aren't we all just looking to find true love

It's the kind that don't come easy
If we give ourselves completely
We will see all that we can be now, but

If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
Aren't we all just looking to find true love

Aren't we all just looking to find
Aren't we all just looking to find, true love

Mirror lyrics:

Aren't we all just looking to find, true love
Aren't we all just looking to find

Aren't we all just looking to find true love
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble

We will see all that we can be now, but
If we give ourselves completely
It's the kind that don't come easy

Aren't we all just looking to find true love
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble

But baby all I do it for is love, your love, but
Some do it for the thrill of any touch
Some do it for the rush
And nothing feels as good as holding you close
'Cause i've already fallen in
To question every consequence I know, oh I know
It doesn't really make much sense

Aren't we all just looking to find true love
If it ain't true, baby, then who needs the heartache
If it ain't true, it's no more than a lie
If it ain't true, love's not worth the trouble

'Cause heaven knows
That we'll always be together
And tell me that forever I can hope
Look into my soul
My heart only deals in honesty
Oh, don't say things just to be with me
Think of what your saying to me
Before you open up to speak

Relevant Tags:
IIf IIt AAin't TTrue ((true LLove) f t in't rue true ove) fI tI iAn't rTue t(rue oLve) jf jt zin't frue (ttrue kove) jIf jIt zAin't fTrue (rue kLove)
Ijf Ijt Azin't Tfrue (rtue Lkove) 9f 9t qin't 5rue (frue oove) 9If 9It qAin't 5True (ftrue oLove) I9f I9t Aqin't T5rue (tfrue Loove) lf lt sin't hrue (5rue pove)
lIf lIt sAin't hTrue (5true pLove) Ilf Ilt Asin't Thrue (t5rue Lpove) of ot win't yrue (hrue oIf oIt wAin't yTrue (htrue Lve) Iof Iot Awin't Tyrue (thrue Lvoe)
kf kt xin't 6rue (yrue Lkve) kIf kIt xAin't 6True (ytrue Ikf Ikt Axin't T6rue (tyrue Lokve) 8f 8t Aiin't grue (6rue L9ve) 8If 8It An't gTrue (6true L9ove)
I8f I8t Ani't Tgrue (t6rue Lo9ve) uf ut Ajn't rrue (grue L0ve) uIf uIt Ajin't rTrue (gtrue L0ove) Iuf Iut Aijn't Trrue (tgrue Lo0ve) Iff Itt A9n't (rrue Llve)
I I A9in't Tue (rtrue Llove) If It Ai9n't Ture (trrue Lolve) Ic If Aln't Tdue Live) Icf Ift Alin't Tdrue (tue Liove) Ifc Itf Ailn't Trdue (ture Loive)
Ir I5 Aon't T4ue (tdue Lovve) Irf I5t Aoin't T4rue (tdrue Loe) Ifr It5 Aion't Tr4ue (trdue Loev) Ig Ih Akn't Tgue (t4ue Lobe) Igf Iht Akin't (t4rue Lobve)
Ifg Ith Aikn't Trgue (tr4ue Lovbe) It Iy A8n't Ttue (tgue Loce) Itf Iyt A8in't Ttrue Locve) Ift Ity Ai8n't Trtue (trgue Lovce) Iv I6 Aun't T5ue (ttue Loge)
Ivf I6t Auin't Logve) Ifv It6 Aiun't Tr5ue (trtue Lovge) Id Ig Ainn't Tfue (t5ue Lofe) Idf Igt Ai't Lofve) Ifd Itg Ai'nt Trfue (tr5ue Lovfe)
Ir Aim't Teue (tfue Lovee) Irt Aimn't Terue Lov)

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