Interlude Still Feelin' You

Who are you now
Are you still the same
Or did you change somehow
What do you do
At this very moment
When I think of you

And when I'm looking back
How we were young and stupid
Do you remember that

No matter how I fight it, can't deny it
Just can't let you go

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

Now look at me
Instead of moving on
I refuse to see
That I keep coming back
Yeah, I'm stuck in a moment
That wasn't meant to last (to last)

I've tried to fight it, can't deny it
You don't even know that

I still need you
I still care about you
Though everything's been said and done
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
But still no word from you

No, no
I wish I could find you
Just like you found me, then I
Would never let you go

(Need you, care about you)
Though everything's been said and done, yeah
I still feel you (I still feel you)
Like I'm right beside you (like I'm right here beside you)

But still no word from you

Mirror lyrics:

But still no word from you

Like I'm right beside you (like I'm right here beside you)
I still feel you (I still feel you)
Though everything's been said and done, yeah
(Need you, care about you)

Would never let you go
Just like you found me, then I
I wish I could find you
No, no

But still no word from you
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
Though everything's been said and done
I still care about you
I still need you

You don't even know that
I've tried to fight it, can't deny it

That wasn't meant to last (to last)
Yeah, I'm stuck in a moment
That I keep coming back
I refuse to see
Instead of moving on
Now look at me

But still no word from you
I still feel you like I'm right beside you
Though everything's been said and done
I still care about you
I still need you

Just can't let you go
No matter how I fight it, can't deny it

Do you remember that
How we were young and stupid
And when I'm looking back

When I think of you
At this very moment
What do you do
Or did you change somehow
Are you still the same
Who are you now

Relevant Tags:
IInterlude SStill FFeelin' YYou nterlude till eelin' ou nIterlude tSill eFelin' oYu jnterlude ztill ceelin' gou jInterlude zStill cFeelin' gYou
Ijnterlude Sztill Fceelin' Ygou 9nterlude wtill reelin' hou 9Interlude wStill rFeelin' hYou I9nterlude Swtill Freelin' Yhou lnterlude dtill geelin' 6ou
lInterlude dStill gFeelin' 6You Ilnterlude Sdtill Fgeelin' Y6ou onterlude etill teelin' uou oInterlude eStill tFeelin' uYou Ionterlude Setill Fteelin' Yuou
knterlude xtill veelin' 7ou kInterlude xStill vFeelin' 7You Iknterlude Sxtill Fveelin' Y7ou 8nterlude atill deelin' jou 8Interlude aStill dFeelin' jYou
I8nterlude Satill Fdeelin' Yjou unterlude Sttill Feeelin' tou uInterlude Sill Felin' tYou Iunterlude Sitll Feelin' Ytou Innterlude Sfill Fselin' Yoou
Iterlude Sftill Fseelin' Yu Itnerlude Stfill Feselin' Yuo Imterlude S5ill F3elin' Yku Imnterlude S5till F3eelin' Ykou Inmterlude St5ill Fe3elin' Yoku
Ihterlude Shill Ffelin' Y9u Ihnterlude Shtill Ffeelin' Y9ou Inhterlude Sthill Fefelin' Yo9u Ijterlude Syill Frelin' Y0u Sytill Y0ou
Injterlude Styill Ferelin' Yo0u Ibterlude S6ill F4elin' Ylu Ibnterlude S6till F4eelin' Ylou Inbterlude St6ill Fe4elin' Yolu Intterlude Sgill Fdelin' Yiu
Inerlude Sgtill Yiou Inetrlude Stgill Fedelin' Yoiu Inferlude Srill Fwelin' Youu Infterlude Srtill Fweelin' Yo Intferlude Strill Fewelin' You
In5erlude Stiill Yoh In5terlude Stll Yohu Int5erlude Stlil Felein' Youh Inherlude Stjll Feslin' Yo7 Stjill Yo7u
Intherlude Stijll Feeslin' You7 Inyerlude St9ll Fe3lin' Yok Inyterlude St9ill Intyerlude Sti9ll Fee3lin' Youk In6erlude Stlll Feflin' Yoi
In6terlude Stlill Int6erlude Stilll Feeflin' Youi Ingerlude Stoll Ferlin' Yo8 Ingterlude Stoill Yo8u Intgerlude Stioll Feerlin' You8
Inrerlude Stkll Fe4lin' Yoj Inrterlude Stkill Yoju Intrerlude Stikll Fee4lin' Youj Inteerlude St8ll Fedlin' Yoy Intrlude St8ill Yoyu
Intrelude Sti8ll Feedlin' Youy Intsrlude Stull Fewlin' Intserlude Stuill Intesrlude Stiull Feewlin' Int3rlude Feellin'
Int3erlude Stil Feein' Inte3rlude Still Feeiln' Intfrlude Stikl Feekin' Feeklin' Intefrlude Stilkl Feelkin'
Intrrlude Stiol Feeoin' Feeolin' Interrlude Stilol Feeloin' Int4rlude Stipl Feepin' Int4erlude Stipll Feeplin'
Inte4rlude Stilpl Feelpin' Intdrlude Feeliin' Intderlude Feeln' Intedrlude Feelni' Intwrlude Stilk Feeljn'
Intwerlude Feeljin' Intewrlude Stillk Feelijn' Stilo Feel9n' Intelude Feel9in'

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